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There are 12 words containing A, E, H, I, L and 2W

WELWITSCHIAwelwitschia n. Welwitschia mirabilis, a desert plant of southwest Africa.
WELWITSCHIA n. a plant of a SW African genus of one species, with one pair of leaves that grow indefinitely.
WELWITSCHIASwelwitschias n. Plural of welwitschia.
WELWITSCHIA n. a plant of a SW African genus of one species, with one pair of leaves that grow indefinitely.
WHEELBARROWINGwheelbarrowing n. (Aviation) The loss of control caused by excessive forward pressure on the elevator control of an aeroplane…
WHEELBARROW v. to transport by wheelbarrow.
WHEREWITHALwherewithal n. The ability and means required to accomplish some task.
wherewithal adv. (Archaic) In what way; how.
wherewithal adv. (Archaic) By means of which.
WHEREWITHALSwherewithals n. Plural of wherewithal.
WHEREWITHAL n. the means, resources.
WHILLYWHAEDWHILLYWHA v. (Scots) to coax, wheedle, cajole, also WHILLYWHAW.
WHILLYWHAWEDWHILLYWHAW v. (Scots) to coax, wheedle, cajole, also WHILLYWHA.
WHITEWALLwhitewall adj. (Of a tyre/tire) Having white sidewalls.
whitewall adj. (US, military) Describing a hair cut with a closely cropped back and sides and the hair on the top of…
whitewall n. A tyre/tire with white sidewalls.
WHITEWALLSwhitewalls n. Plural of whitewall.
WHITEWALL n. the spotted flycatcher, so called from the white color of the underparts.
WILLIEWAUGHTWILLIEWAUGHT n. (Scots) a deep draught of alcohol.
WILLIEWAUGHTSWILLIEWAUGHT n. (Scots) a deep draught of alcohol.
WITHDRAWABLEwithdrawable adj. Capable of being withdrawn.
WITHDRAWABLE adj. capable of being withdrawn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 194 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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