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There are 16 words containing A, E, G, S, 2T and X

EXCOGITATESexcogitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of excogitate.
EXCOGITATE v. to discover by thinking out or reasoning.
THIGMOTAXESthigmotaxes n. Plural of thigmotaxis.
THIGMOTAXIS n. the movement of a plant towards or away from an object.
EXCOGITATORSexcogitators n. Plural of excogitator.
EXCOGITATOR n. one who excogitates.
EXTENUATINGSEXTENUATING n. the act of excusing.
EXTRAVAGATESextravagates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extravagate.
EXTRAVAGATE v. (archaic) to wander; to exceed reasonable limits.
EXCOGITATIONSexcogitations n. Plural of excogitation.
EXCOGITATION n. the act of excogitating.
EXPOSTULATINGexpostulating v. Present participle of expostulate.
EXPOSTULATE v. to remonstrate; to discuss or reason with.
EXTINGUISHANTextinguishant n. Extinguisher, especially a fire extinguisher.
extinguishant n. An extinguishing medium such as water, chemical powders, gases (CO2,Halon etc).
extinguishant adj. That serves to extinguish.
EXTRAVASATINGextravasating v. Present participle of extravasate.
extravasating adj. That undergoes extravasation.
EXTRAVASATE v. in pathology, to exude from a vessel into surrounding tissue; in geology, to erupt.
NEGOTIATRIXESNEGOTIATRIX n. (archaic) a female negotiator, also NEGOTIATRESS.
EXTINGUISHANTSextinguishants n. Plural of extinguishant.
EXTINGUISHANT n. a substance used to extinguish fires.
EXTRAVAGATIONSextravagations n. Plural of extravagation.
EXTRAVAGATION n. the act of extravagating, wandering.
SEXTUPLICATINGsextuplicating v. Present participle of sextuplicate.
SEXTUPLICATE v. to copy sixfold.
CONTEXTUALISINGcontextualising v. Present participle of contextualise.
CONTEXTUALISE v. to put into a context, also CONTEXTUALIZE.
EXPOSTULATINGLYexpostulatingly adv. With expostulations.
EXPOSTULATING adv. EXPOSTULATE, to remonstrate; to discuss or reason with.
EXTRALINGUISTICextralinguistic adj. Outside the realm of linguistics.
EXTRALINGUISTIC adj. lying outside the province of linguistics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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