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There are 18 words containing A, E, G, L, 2O and X

AXIOLOGIESaxiologies n. Plural of axiology.
AXIOLOGY n. the science of the ultimate nature of values.
PRAXEOLOGYpraxeology n. The study of human action or conduct.
PRAXEOLOGY n. the study of human action and conduct.
SEXOLOGICALsexological adj. Of or relating to sexology.
SEXOLOGICAL adj. relating to sexology, the study of sexual behaviour.
XENOGLOSSIAxenoglossia n. Synonym of xenoglossy (“knowledge of a language one has never learned”).
XENOGLOSSIA n. a person's knowledge of a language never studied, also XENOGLOSSY.
PRAXEOLOGIESpraxeologies n. Plural of praxeology.
PRAXEOLOGY n. the study of human action and conduct.
XENOGLOSSIASXENOGLOSSIA n. a person's knowledge of a language never studied, also XENOGLOSSY.
EXOBIOLOGICALexobiological adj. Of or pertaining to exobiology; alien.
EXOBIOLOGICAL adj. relating to exobiology.
LEXICOLOGICALlexicological adj. Pertaining to lexicology.
LEXICOLOGICAL adj. relating to lexicology.
PRAXEOLOGICALpraxeological adj. Of or pertaining to praxeology.
PRAXEOLOGICAL adj. relating to praxeology.
PROTOGALAXIESprotogalaxies n. Plural of protogalaxy.
PROTOGALAXY n. a galaxy in its initial state of formation.
CYCLOOXYGENASEcyclooxygenase n. (Biochemistry) Any of several enzymes that catalyze a cyclooxygenation reaction, but especially the…
cyclo-oxygenase n. (Biochemistry) Alternative spelling of cyclooxygenase.
OXYHAEMOGLOBINoxyhaemoglobin n. (Biochemistry) The form of haemoglobin, loosely combined with oxygen, present in arterial and capillary blood.
oxyhæmoglobin n. Alternative spelling of oxyhaemoglobin.
OXYHAEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHEMOGLOBIN.
PARADOXOLOGIESparadoxologies n. Plural of paradoxology.
PARADOXOLOGY n. the holding or maintaining of paradoxes.
REFLEXOLOGICALreflexological adj. Of or pertaining to reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGICAL adj. related to reflexology.
VEXILLOLOGICALvexillological adj. Of or pertaining to vexillology.
VEXILLOLOGICAL adj. relating to vexillology, the study of flags, also VEXILLOLOGIC.
CYCLOOXYGENASEScyclooxygenases n. Plural of cyclooxygenase.
cyclo-oxygenases n. Plural of cyclo-oxygenase; Alternative form of cyclooxygenases.
LEXICOLOGICALLYlexicologically adv. In terms of lexicology.
LEXICOLOGICAL adv. relating to lexicology.
OXYHAEMOGLOBINSoxyhaemoglobins n. Plural of oxyhaemoglobin.
OXYHAEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHEMOGLOBIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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