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There are 20 words containing A, E, G, J, N, R and S

JABBERINGSjabberings n. Plural of jabbering.
JABBERING n. the act of jabbering.
JANGLERSjanglers n. Plural of jangler.
JANGLER n. a storyteller, a jester.
JARGONEERSjargoneers n. Plural of jargoneer.
JARGONEER n. a person who uses jargon, also JARGONIST.
JARGONELLESjargonelles n. Plural of jargonelle.
JARGONELLE n. (French) an early variety of pear, also JARGONEL.
JARGONELSjargonels n. Plural of jargonel.
JARGONEL n. (French) an early variety of pear, also JARGONELLE.
JARGONIESTJARGONY adj. like jargon.
JARGONISEjargonise v. Alternative form of jargonize.
JARGONISE v. to express in jargon, also JARGONIZE.
JARGONISEDjargonised v. Simple past tense and past participle of jargonise.
JARGONISE v. to express in jargon, also JARGONIZE.
JARGONISESjargonises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jargonise.
JARGONISE v. to express in jargon, also JARGONIZE.
JARGONIZESjargonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jargonize.
JARGONIZE v. to express in jargon, also JARGONISE.
JASPERISINGJASPERISE v. to turn into, or cause to resemble, jasper, also JASPERIZE.
JASPERIZINGjasperizing v. Present participle of jasperize.
JASPERIZE v. to turn into, or cause to resemble, jasper, also JASPERISE.
JEOPARDISINGjeopardising v. Present participle of jeopardise.
JEOPARDISE v. to expose to loss or injury, also JEOPARDIZE.
JOHNSONGRASSESjohnsongrasses n. Plural of johnsongrass.
Johnson␣grasses n. Plural of Johnson grass.
JOHNSONGRASS n. a tall perennial sorghum widely used as forage.
JUGGERNAUTSjuggernauts n. Plural of juggernaut.
JUGGERNAUT n. (Sanskrit) a massive relentless force, person, institution, etc. that crushes everything in its path.
MAJORETTINGSMAJORETTING n. the practice of performing as majorettes.
OVERADJUSTINGoveradjusting v. Present participle of overadjust.
PREADJUSTINGpreadjusting v. Present participle of preadjust.
PREADJUST v. to adjust in advance.
READJUSTINGreadjusting v. Present participle of readjust.
READJUST v. to adjust again.
STRAITJACKETINGstraitjacketing v. Present participle of straitjacket.
straitjacketing n. Constraints, restrictions.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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