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There are 17 words containing A, E, F, M, 2R and W

FIRMWAREfirmware n. (Computing) Something in between hardware and software. Like software, it is created from source code…
firmware n. Software intended for such embedded computer applications.
FIRMWARE n. computer programs permanently stored on a microchip.
FIRMWARESFIRMWARE n. computer programs permanently stored on a microchip.
FRAMEWORKframework n. (Literally) A support structure comprising joined parts or conglomerated particles and intervening open…
framework n. (Literally) The arrangement of support beams that represent a building’s general shape and size.
framework n. (Figuratively) The larger branches of a tree that determine its shape.
WIREFRAMEwireframe n. (Computer graphics) A visual model of an electronic representation of a three-dimensional object.
wireframe n. (Web design) A basic visual guide used to suggest the layout of fundamental elements in a web interface.
wireframe v. (Computer graphics) To generate a wireframe representation.
AFTERSWARMafterswarm n. A swarm of bees that leaves the hive after the primary swarm.
AFTERSWARM n. a second swarm or cast of bees.
FARMWORKERfarmworker n. A person hired to work on the farm or in the agricultural industry.
farm␣worker n. A person who works on, but does not own, a farm; an agricultural labourer.
FARMWORKER n. one who works on a farm.
FRAMEWORKSframeworks n. Plural of framework.
FRAMEWORK n. the skeleton or outline of anything.
WIREFRAMESwireframes n. Plural of wireframe.
wire-frames n. Plural of wire-frame.
wire␣frames n. Plural of wire frame.
AFTERSWARMSafterswarms n. Plural of afterswarm.
AFTERSWARM n. a second swarm or cast of bees.
FARMWORKERSfarmworkers n. Plural of farmworker.
farm␣workers n. Plural of farm worker.
FARMWORKER n. one who works on a farm.
WHARFMASTERwharfmaster n. The supervisor in charge of a wharf.
WHARFMASTER n. one who controls a wharf.
FLAMETHROWERflamethrower n. A device that projects a flame for starting fires, and sometimes also additional fuel to help ignition…
flame␣thrower n. Alternative spelling of flamethrower.
FLAMETHROWER n. a device that expels from a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel under pressure.
WHARFMASTERSwharfmasters n. Plural of wharfmaster.
WHARFMASTER n. one who controls a wharf.
AIRCRAFTWOMENaircraftwomen n. Plural of aircraftwoman.
AIRCRAFTWOMAN n. a member of the lowest (female) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTSWOMAN.
FLAMETHROWERSflamethrowers n. Plural of flamethrower.
flame␣throwers n. Plural of flame thrower.
FLAMETHROWER n. a device that expels from a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel under pressure.
AIRCRAFTSWOMENaircraftswomen n. Plural of aircraftswoman.
AIRCRAFTSWOMAN n. a member of the lowest (female) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTWOMAN.
FRONTIERSWOMANfrontierswoman n. The female equivalent of a frontiersman.
FRONTIERSWOMAN n. a female person who lives or works on a frontier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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