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There are 17 words containing A, E, F, K, O, R and W

BLANKETFLOWERblanketflower n. Gaillardia; a plant of the genus Gaillardia.
blanket␣flower n. Synonym of gaillardia (“flowering plant”).
BLANKETFLOWER n. another name for gaillardia.
BLANKETFLOWERSblanketflowers n. Plural of blanketflower.
blanket␣flowers n. Plural of blanket flower.
BLANKETFLOWER n. another name for gaillardia.
FACEWORKERfaceworker n. A miner who works at the face (especially at the coalface).
FACEWORKER n. a miner who works at the coalface, also FACEMAN.
FACEWORKERSfaceworkers n. Plural of faceworker.
FACEWORKER n. a miner who works at the coalface, also FACEMAN.
FALSEWORKfalsework n. (Engineering) A temporary framework used in the building of bridges and arched structures in order to…
falsework n. (Engineering) Scaffolding, a temporary frame serving to support and brace a building under construction…
FALSEWORK n. a temporary framework used to support a building during construction.
FALSEWORKSfalseworks n. Plural of falsework.
false␣works n. Construction works, such as scaffolding, to facilitate the erection of the main work.
FALSEWORK n. a temporary framework used to support a building during construction.
FARMWORKERfarmworker n. A person hired to work on the farm or in the agricultural industry.
farm␣worker n. A person who works on, but does not own, a farm; an agricultural labourer.
FARMWORKER n. one who works on a farm.
FARMWORKERSfarmworkers n. Plural of farmworker.
farm␣workers n. Plural of farm worker.
FARMWORKER n. one who works on a farm.
FLOORWALKERfloorwalker n. Alternative form of floor-walker.
floor-walker n. An employee in a large shop (especially a department store) who supervises sales staff and assists customers.
FLOORWALKER n. a person employed in a retail store to oversee the salespeople and aid customers.
FLOORWALKERSfloorwalkers n. Plural of floorwalker.
floor-walkers n. Plural of floor-walker.
FLOORWALKER n. a person employed in a retail store to oversee the salespeople and aid customers.
FOREKNOWABLEforeknowable adj. That may be known in advance.
FOREKNOWABLE adj. that can be known in advance.
FRAMEWORKframework n. (Literally) A support structure comprising joined parts or conglomerated particles and intervening open…
framework n. (Literally) The arrangement of support beams that represent a building’s general shape and size.
framework n. (Figuratively) The larger branches of a tree that determine its shape.
FRAMEWORKSframeworks n. Plural of framework.
FRAMEWORK n. the skeleton or outline of anything.
UNFOREKNOWABLEunforeknowable adj. Not foreknowable.
UNFOREKNOWABLE adj. not foreknowable.
WORKFAREworkfare n. (US) A form of welfare in which people are required to work as a condition of receiving aid.
WORKFARE n. a welfare programme where recipients perform public service work.
WORKFARESWORKFARE n. a welfare programme where recipients perform public service work.
WORKSAFEwork-safe adj. (Internet) That can be viewed from one’s workplace without the risk of disciplinary action; not graphic…
WORKSAFE adj. (of an internet link etc.) suitable for viewing in the workplace because of an absence of pornographic content.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 296 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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