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There are 19 words containing A, E, F, H, K, L and S

HALFBEAKShalfbeaks n. Plural of halfbeak.
HALFBEAK n. a fish with a spearlike underjaw.
LIFEHACKSlifehacks n. Plural of lifehack.
life␣hacks n. Plural of life hack.
LIFEHACK v. to live one's life in a way such as to simplify tasks and minimize effort.
SHEAFLIKEsheaflike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a sheaf.
SHEAFLIKE adj. like a sheaf.
CHALKFACESchalkfaces n. Plural of chalkface.
CHALKFACE n. as in the phrase at the chalkface, i.e. in the classroom, as the centre of a teacher's activities.
FREAKISHLYfreakishly adv. In a freakish manner.
FREAKISH adv. quirkily unusual, also FREAKFUL, FREAKY.
KHALIFATESkhalifates n. Plural of khalifate.
BLACKFISHESblackfishes n. Plural of blackfish.
BLACKFISH n. a colloquial name for various species of fish.
FLASHBACKEDflashbacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
FLASHPACKERflashpacker n. One who takes part in flashpacking.
FLASHPACKER n. a backpacker who has a considerable disposable income.
LIFEHACKERSlifehackers n. Plural of lifehacker.
LIFEHACKER n. one who lives in a way such as to simplify tasks and minimize effort.
SHELFTALKERshelf-talker n. A printed card affixed to a supermarket or store shelf to draw customers’ attention to a specific product.
SHELFTALKER n. a marketing device, e.g. a notice or mini-poster, attached to a shelf in a shop, to promote a specific product.
FLASHPACKERSflashpackers n. Plural of flashpacker.
FLASHPACKER n. a backpacker who has a considerable disposable income.
SHELFTALKERSshelf-talkers n. Plural of shelf-talker.
SHELFTALKER n. a marketing device, e.g. a notice or mini-poster, attached to a shelf in a shop, to promote a specific product.
THANKFULLESTthankfullest adj. Superlative form of thankful: most thankful.
THANKFUL adj. grateful.
THANKFULNESSthankfulness n. The state of being thankful.
THANKFULNESS n. the state of being thankful.
KAFFEEKLATSCHkaffeeklatsch n. A coffee klatch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.
THANKFULNESSESthankfulnesses n. Plural of thankfulness.
THANKFULNESS n. the state of being thankful.
UNTHANKFULNESSunthankfulness n. The state or condition of being unthankful; ingratitude.
UNTHANKFULNESS n. the state of being unthankful.
KAFFEEKLATSCHESkaffeeklatsches n. Plural of kaffeeklatsch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 329 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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