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There are 18 words containing A, 2E, H, S, W and Y

EYEWASHeyewash n. (Countable, uncountable) The washing out of the eyes with copious water (usually water alone) to quickly…
eyewash n. (Countable, uncountable) A soothing medicated lotion for the eyes.
eyewash n. (Uncountable, slang) Nonsense, flattery, or pretentiousness.
ANYWHERESanywheres adv. (US, nonstandard, slang or dialectal) anywhere.
ANYWHERE n. any place at all.
EYESHADOWeyeshadow n. Alternative spelling of eye shadow.
eye␣shadow n. Makeup that is applied to the eyelids and below the eyes to give a darker complexion there.
EYESHADOW n. a coloured cosmetic for the eyelids.
EYEWASHESeyewashes n. Plural of eyewash.
EYEWASH n. an eye lotion.
HEREAWAYShereaways adv. Alternative form of hereaway.
HEREAWAYS adv. hereabout, in this vicinity, also HEREAWAY.
WATCHEYESWATCHEYE n. an eye in which the iris is pale or whitish, also WALLEYE.
WHEYFACESwheyfaces n. Plural of wheyface.
WHEYFACE n. a pale white face, as from fear.
DAISYWHEELdaisywheel n. A daisywheel printer.
daisy␣wheel n. Alternative form of daisywheel.
DAISYWHEEL n. a kind of printer.
EYESHADOWSeyeshadows n. Plural of eyeshadow.
eye␣shadows n. Plural of eye shadow.
EYESHADOW n. a coloured cosmetic for the eyelids.
DAISYWHEELSdaisywheels n. Plural of daisywheel.
daisy␣wheels n. Plural of daisy wheel.
DAISYWHEEL n. a kind of printer.
GRAYWETHERSgraywethers n. Plural of graywether.
GRAYWETHER n. a sandstone boulder of South England, also GREYWETHER.
TELPHERWAYStelpherways n. Plural of telpherway.
TELPHERWAY n. a route for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by telpher.
YELLOWHEADSyellowheads n. Plural of yellowhead.
YELLOWHEAD n. a species of flycatcher found in New Zealand, aka mohua.
HEAVYWEIGHTSheavyweights n. Plural of heavyweight.
HEAVYWEIGHT n. a boxer fighting at a heavy weight.
WHOREMASTERYWHOREMASTERY n. the keeping of whores.
WHOREMASTERLYwhoremasterly adj. Having the character of a whoremaster; lecherous; libidinous.
WHOREMASTERLY adj. like a whoremaster.
YELLOWHAMMERSyellowhammers n. Plural of yellowhammer.
yellow-hammers n. Plural of yellow-hammer.
yellow␣hammers n. Plural of yellow hammer.
HYPERAWARENESShyperawareness n. The state of being hyperaware, or extremely sensitive to stimuli.
HYPERAWARENESS n. the state of being hyperaware.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 461 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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