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There are 19 words containing A, 3E, K, P and T

LEETSPEAKleetspeak n. (Chiefly Internet slang) A form of chatspeak characterized most strongly by its alphanumeric substitutions.
LEETSPEAK n. a jargon used by some internet groups, in which standard English is translated into a mixture of letters, numerals, and symbols found on a computer keyboard.
EMPACKETEDempacketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of empacket.
EMPACKET v. to pack up.
GATEKEEPERgatekeeper n. A person or group who controls access to something or somebody.
gatekeeper n. A person who guards or monitors passage through a gate.
gatekeeper n. A common orange and brown butterfly with eyespots, Pyronia tithonus, of the family Nymphalidae.
LEETSPEAKSLEETSPEAK n. a jargon used by some internet groups, in which standard English is translated into a mixture of letters, numerals, and symbols found on a computer keyboard.
SWEEPSTAKEsweepstake n. A lottery in which the prize or prizes constitute all the money paid by the participants.
sweepstake n. (US) A prize draw.
SWEEPSTAKE n. a method of gambling by which participators' stakes are pooled, numbers, horses, etc. assigned by lot, and prize(s) awarded accordingly on decision of event.
GATEKEEPERSgatekeepers n. Plural of gatekeeper.
GATEKEEPER n. any of several Eurasian butterflies of the genus Pyronia.
GATEKEEPINGgatekeeping v. Present participle and gerund of gatekeep.
GATEKEEPING n. the practice of controlling access to information, advanced levels of study, elite sections of society, etc.
KEEPSAKIESTKEEPSAKY adj. vapidly pretty.
PREMARKETEDPREMARKET v. to market in advance.
STEEPLEJACKsteeplejack n. A person whose job involves climbing tall structures like steeples in order to make repairs.
STEEPLEJACK n. a person who repairs steeples and high chimneys.
SWEEPSTAKESsweepstakes n. Plural of sweepstake.
sweepstakes n. Synonym of sweepstake.
SWEEPSTAKE n. a method of gambling by which participators' stakes are pooled, numbers, horses, etc. assigned by lot, and prize(s) awarded accordingly on decision of event.
GATEKEEPINGSGATEKEEPING n. the practice of controlling access to information, advanced levels of study, elite sections of society, etc.
STEEPLEJACKSsteeplejacks n. Plural of steeplejack.
STEEPLEJACK n. a person who repairs steeples and high chimneys.
KAPELLMEISTERkapellmeister n. (Music) A leader or conductor of a musical group such as an orchestra.
kapellmeister n. (Music, historical) Person in charge of music at a noble court during the baroque and classical period.
KAPELLMEISTER n. (German) the director of a choir or orchestra, also CAPELLMEISTER.
HYPERKERATOSEShyperkeratoses n. Plural of hyperkeratosis.
HYPERKERATOSIS n. hypertrophy of the horny layer of the skin.
KAPELLMEISTERSkapellmeisters n. Plural of kapellmeister.
KAPELLMEISTER n. (German) the director of a choir or orchestra, also CAPELLMEISTER.
KINESITHERAPIESkinesitherapies n. Plural of kinesitherapy.
KINESITHERAPY n. a method of treating disease by means of exercises or gymnastic movements, aka kinesiatrics.
PREKINDERGARTENprekindergarten adj. Before kindergarten, or not yet old enough to attend it.
prekindergarten n. (US) The first formal academic learning environment for children, before kindergarten.
PREKINDERGARTEN n. a nursery school.
SKEPTICALNESSESSKEPTICALNESS n. the state of being skeptical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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