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There are 15 words containing A, D, N, O, 2T and W

DOWNSTATEdownstate n. (US) The southern region of certain US states, particularly Michigan, New York, and Illinois.
downstate adj. (US) Of the southern section of a state.
downstate adv. (US) To the southern section of a state.
DOWNSTATERdownstater n. A person from downstate; usually specifically a person from downstate New York.
DOWNSTATER n. one who lives or comes from downstate.
DOWNSTATERSdownstaters n. Plural of downstater.
DOWNSTATER n. one who lives or comes from downstate.
DOWNSTATESdownstates n. Plural of downstate.
DOWNSTATE n. the region of a State remote from large cities, a rural area.
NORTHEASTWARDnortheastward adj. In or toward the northeast.
northeastward adv. Toward the northeast.
NORTHEASTWARD adv. in a northeasterly direction, also NORTHEASTWARDS.
NORTHEASTWARDLYnortheastwardly adv. Towards the northeast.
NORTHEASTWARDLY adv. in a northeasterly direction.
NORTHEASTWARDSnortheastwards adj. Northeastward.
northeastwards adv. Northeastward.
NORTHEASTWARDS adv. in a northeasterly direction, also NORTHEASTWARD.
NORTHWESTWARDnorthwestward adj. In or toward the northwest.
northwestward adv. Toward the northwest.
NORTHWESTWARD adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARDS.
NORTHWESTWARDLYnorthwestwardly adv. Towards the northwest.
NORTHWESTWARDSnorthwestwards adj. Northwestward.
northwestwards adv. Northwestward.
NORTHWESTWARDS adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARD.
NOTWITHSTANDINGnotwithstanding adv. Nevertheless, all the same.
notwithstanding conj. Although; despite; even though.
notwithstanding prep. In spite of, despite.
WAINSCOTTEDwainscotted adj. Having a wainscot.
wainscotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of wainscot.
WAINSCOT v. to cover with wooden panelling.
WITWANTONEDwitwantoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of witwanton.
WITWANTON v. to engage in irreverent wit.
WYANDOTTEwyandotte n. (Uncommon) Alternative letter-case form of Wyandotte (breed of poultry).
Wyandotte prop.n. (Native Americans) Alternative spelling of Wyandot.
Wyandotte prop.n. A placename.
WYANDOTTESwyandottes n. Plural of wyandotte.
Wyandottes n. Plural of Wyandotte.
WYANDOTTE n. (Native American) a breed of domestic fowl, of American origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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