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There are 18 words containing A, D, M, N, 2O and W

BACKWOODSMANbackwoodsman n. A person who is acclimated to living in a forest area that is far removed from civilization or modern conveniences.
backwoodsman n. An uncivilized person.
backwoodsman n. (Informal, UK politics) A Peer who is seldom present in the House of Lords of the United Kingdom Parliament…
BACKWOODSMENbackwoodsmen n. Plural of backwoodsman.
BACKWOODSMAN n. a provincial, a country bumpkin.
BONDSWOMANbondswoman n. The female equivalent of a bondsman.
BONDSWOMAN n. a woman who is a slave, or in bondage, also BONDWOMAN.
BONDWOMANbondwoman n. A woman who is bound in servitude; a female slave.
BONDWOMAN n. a woman who is a slave, or in bondage, also BONDSWOMAN.
DOOMWATCHINGDOOMWATCHING n. the act of keeping an eye on the environment.
DOOMWATCHINGSDOOMWATCHING n. the act of keeping an eye on the environment.
DOORWOMANdoorwoman n. The female equivalent of a doorman.
DOORWOMAN n. a female doorman.
MOONWALKEDmoonwalked v. Simple past tense and past participle of moonwalk.
MOONWALK v. to perform a moonwalk.
MOONWARDmoonward adv. Toward the moon.
moonward adj. Which faces or points to or leads to the moon.
MOONWARD adv. in the direction of the moon, also MOONWARDS.
MOONWARDSMOONWARDS adv. in the direction of the moon, also MOONWARD.
OUTDOORSWOMANoutdoorswoman n. The female equivalent of an outdoorsman.
SWORDSWOMANswordswoman n. A woman skilled at using swords in combat.
SWORDSWOMAN n. a woman who uses a sword.
WOMANHOODwomanhood n. The state or condition of being a woman.
womanhood n. All of the women of a given place, area, or subgroup regarded collectively.
womanhood n. The idealized nature of a woman: all of the characteristics traditionally and ideally ascribed to womanliness…
WOMANHOODSwomanhoods n. Plural of womanhood.
WOMANHOOD n. the state of being a woman.
WOODCRAFTSMANwoodcraftsman n. Alternative form of woodcraftman.
WOODCRAFTSMAN n. a craftsman who works with wood.
WOODCRAFTSMENwoodcraftsmen n. Plural of woodcraftsman.
WOODCRAFTSMAN n. a craftsman who works with wood.
WOODMANwoodman n. (Obsolete) Someone who hunts animals in a wood, hunter, huntsman.
woodman n. Someone who cuts down trees or cuts and sells wood, lumberjack, woodcutter.
woodman n. Someone who lives in the wood and manages it; a woodsman; (by extension) someone who spends time in…
WOODSMANwoodsman n. A man who lives and works in woodland; a forester or woodman.
woodsman n. (Attributive) Designating a group of sports related to forestry culture, including axe throwing, wood…
WOODSMAN n. one who works or lives in the forest, also WOODMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 458 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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