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There are 17 words containing A, D, I, 2N, T and X

ANDROMEDOTOXINandromedotoxin n. One of the grayanotoxins; grayanotoxin I.
ANDROMEDOTOXIN n. a poisonous substance extracted from plants of the heath family and used in medicine to lower high blood pressure.
ANDROMEDOTOXINSandromedotoxins n. Plural of andromedotoxin.
ANDROMEDOTOXIN n. a poisonous substance extracted from plants of the heath family and used in medicine to lower high blood pressure.
ANTIOXIDANTantioxidant n. Any substance that acts to slow or prevent the oxidation of another chemical.
antioxidant n. (Nutrition) One of a group of vitamins that act against the effects of free radicals.
antioxidant adj. Acting or having agents that act against oxidation.
ANTIOXIDANTSantioxidants n. Plural of antioxidant.
ANTIOXIDANT n. a substance (as betacarotene or vitamin C) that inhibits oxidation.
DEINDEXATIONdeindexation n. (Finance) The removal of indexation (index-linking of a monetary value).
DEINDEXATION n. the state of being no longer index-linked.
DEINDEXATIONSdeindexations n. Plural of deindexation.
DEINDEXATION n. the state of being no longer index-linked.
DEOXYGENATINGdeoxygenating v. Present participle of deoxygenate.
DEOXYGENATE v. to remove esp. molecular oxygen from.
DEOXYGENATIONdeoxygenation n. The removal of oxygen atoms or molecules from a material.
DEOXYGENATION n. the act of deoxygenating.
DEOXYGENATIONSdeoxygenations n. Plural of deoxygenation.
DEOXYGENATION n. the act of deoxygenating.
DISINTOXICATINGdisintoxicating v. Present participle of disintoxicate.
DISINTOXICATE v. to detoxify.
DISINTOXICATIONdisintoxication n. The process of disintoxicating.
DISINTOXICATION n. the act of disintoxicating.
EXSANGUINATEDexsanguinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of exsanguinate.
EXSANGUINATE v. to drain blood from.
INDEXATIONindexation n. The adjustment of an economic variable (such as a salary) according to an index (such as that of inflation).
INDEXATION n. a system by which wages, rates of interest etc. are directly linked to changes in the cost of living index.
INDEXATIONSindexations n. Plural of indexation.
INDEXATION n. a system by which wages, rates of interest etc. are directly linked to changes in the cost of living index.
UNDERTAXINGundertaxing v. Present participle of undertax.
UNDERTAX v. to tax less than the usual amount.
UNEXTRAORDINARYunextraordinary adj. Not extraordinary; mundane, ordinary.
UNEXTRAORDINARY adj. not extraordinary.
XENODIAGNOSTICxenodiagnostic adj. Of or pertaining to xenodiagnosis.
XENODIAGNOSTIC adj. relating to xenodiagnosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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