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There are 20 words containing A, D, H, N, P, S and Z

ENHYPOSTATIZEDenhypostatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of enhypostatize.
ENHYPOSTATIZE v. to subject to enhypostasia, also ENHYPOSTATISE.
HAPHAZARDNESShaphazardness n. The quality of lacking any predictable order or plan.
HAPHAZARD n. marked by lack of plan, order, or direction.
HAPHAZARDNESSESHAPHAZARDNESS n. HAPHAZARD, marked by lack of plan, order, or direction.
HISPANICIZEDHispanicized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Hispanicize.
HISPANICIZE v. to render Hispanic, also HISPANICISE.
HISPANIOLIZEDHispaniolized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Hispaniolize.
HISPANIOLIZE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLISE.
NONHOSPITALIZEDnonhospitalized adj. Not hospitalized.
NONHOSPITALIZED adj. not hospitalized, also NONHOSPITALISED.
PARENTHESIZEDparenthesized adj. Between parentheses.
parenthesized v. Simple past tense and past participle of parenthesize.
PARENTHESIZE v. to put in parentheses, also PARENTHESISE.
PSYCHOANALYZEDpsychoanalyzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of psychoanalyze.
PSYCHOANALYZE v. to subject to psychoanalysis, also PSYCHOANALYSE.
RHAPSODIZINGrhapsodizing v. Present participle of rhapsodize.
rhapsodizing n. The act of one who rhapsodizes; lyrical expression.
RHAPSODIZE v. to utter as a rhapsody, or in the manner of a rhapsody, also RHAPSODISE.
RHIZOPODANSRHIZOPODAN n. one of the Rhizopoda, amoebae and rotarians moving and taking in food with pseudopods, also RHIZOPOD.
SPHEROIDIZATIONspheroidization n. The process of spheroidizing.
SPHEROIDIZATION n. the process of spheroidizing, also SPHEROIDISATION.
SULPHADIAZINEsulphadiazine n. (Pharmacology) UK spelling of sulfadiazine.
SULPHADIAZINE n. a sulphonamide used, usually in combination with an antibiotic, in the treatment of pneumonia, meningitis, etc.
SULPHADIAZINESsulphadiazines n. Plural of sulphadiazine.
SULPHADIAZINE n. a sulphonamide used, usually in combination with an antibiotic, in the treatment of pneumonia, meningitis, etc.
SUPERHUMANIZEDsuperhumanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of superhumanize.
SUPERHUMANIZE v. to make superhuman, also SUPERHUMANISE.
SYCOPHANTIZEDsycophantized v. Simple past tense and past participle of sycophantize.
SYCOPHANTIZE v. to be a sycophant, also SYCOPHANTISE.
TRAPEZOHEDRONStrapezohedrons n. Plural of trapezohedron.
TRAPEZOHEDRON n. a crystalline form whose faces are trapeziums.
UNDEREMPHASIZEunderemphasize v. (Transitive) To place insufficient emphasis on.
UNDEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise insufficiently, also UNDEREMPHASISE.
UNDEREMPHASIZEDunderemphasized adj. Insufficiently emphasized.
UNDEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise insufficiently, also UNDEREMPHASISE.
UNDEREMPHASIZESunderemphasizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underemphasize.
UNDEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise insufficiently, also UNDEREMPHASISE.
UNEMPHASIZEDunemphasized adj. Not emphasized.
UNEMPHASIZED adj. not emphasized, also UNEMPHASISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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