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There are 20 words containing A, D, 2H, L, N and O

CHILIAHEDRONchiliahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron bounded by one thousand plane surfaces.
CHILIAHEDRON n. (Greek) a one-thousand sided solid figure.
CHILIAHEDRONSchiliahedrons n. Plural of chiliahedron.
CHILIAHEDRON n. (Greek) a one-thousand sided solid figure.
CHLORTHALIDONEchlorthalidone n. Alternative form of chlortalidone.
CHLORTHALIDONE n. a diuretic used in the treatment of oedema, hypertension, and diabetes insipidus.
CHLORTHALIDONESCHLORTHALIDONE n. a diuretic used in the treatment of oedema, hypertension, and diabetes insipidus.
DICHLOROETHANEdichloroethane n. (Chemistry) Either of two isomeric organochlorides with the molecular formula C2H4Cl2: 1,1-dichloroethane…
DICHLOROETHANE n. a colorless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent.
DICHLOROETHANESdichloroethanes n. Plural of dichloroethane.
DICHLOROETHANE n. a colorless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANEdichloromethane n. (Organic chemistry) The partially halogenated hydrocarbon CH2Cl2 widely used as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANE n. a noxious colourless liquid widely used as a solvent, e.g. in paint strippers.
DIPHTHONGALdiphthongal adj. Pertaining to or characterized by a diphthong.
DIPHTHONGAL adj. of or like a diphthong.
DIPHTHONGALLYdiphthongally adv. By means of a diphthong.
DIPHTHONGAL adv. of or like a diphthong.
HANDHOLDhandhold n. A projection that one may hold onto for support.
handhold v. Alternative form of hand-hold.
hand-hold v. (Transitive) To hold in the hand.
HANDHOLDShandholds n. Plural of handhold.
hand-holds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hand-hold.
HANDHOLD n. a handgrip.
HYDROMECHANICALhydromechanical adj. Of or pertaining to hydromechanics.
HYDROMECHANICAL adj. relating to a branch of mechanics that deals with the equilibrium and motion of fluids and of solid bodies immersed in them.
HYPOCHONDRIACALhypochondriacal adj. (Obsolete) Coming from the hypochondria; pertaining to or caused by depressive spirits.
hypochondriacal adj. Suffering from hypochondria.
HYPOCHONDRIACAL adj. affected or produced by hypochondria.
LYMPHADENOPATHYlymphadenopathy n. (Medicine) An abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes; it is often a nonspecific sign of infection but…
LYMPHADENOPATHY n. abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes.
PHILANTHROPOIDphilanthropoid n. (Informal) An administrative employee at a philanthropic organisation.
PHILANTHROPOID n. a person who works for a philanthropic organization.
PHILANTHROPOIDSphilanthropoids n. Plural of philanthropoid.
PHILANTHROPOID n. a person who works for a philanthropic organization.
SHAREHOLDINGshareholding adj. Owning shares.
shareholding n. The owning of shares.
shareholding n. The amount of capital held as shares.
SHAREHOLDINGSshareholdings n. Plural of shareholding.
SHAREHOLDING n. the act of holding shares.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 932 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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