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There are 19 words containing A, D, G, N, T, U and V

ADVENTURINGadventuring v. Present participle of adventure.
adventuring n. Adventure.
ADVENTURING n. the act of having an adventure.
DEVALUATINGdevaluating v. Present participle of devaluate.
DEVALUATE v. to devalue, to reduce the value of a country's currency by lowering the exchange rate.
DIVULGATINGdivulgating v. Present participle of divulgate.
DIVULGATE v. (archaic) to publish.
DIVULGATIONdivulgation n. The act of divulging or publishing; publication.
divulgation n. The disclosure or revelation of a secret.
divulgation n. The communication of technology or science to the general public, public awareness of science.
UNDEVIATINGundeviating adj. That does not deviate, veer or turn aside; unswerving.
undeviating adj. That does not change; steady.
UNDEVIATING adj. keeping a true course.
UNNAVIGATEDunnavigated adj. That has not been navigated; unexplored.
UNNAVIGATED adj. not navigated.
VANGUARDISTvanguardist n. A proponent of vanguardism.
VANGUARDIST n. a practitioner of vanguardism.
ADVANTAGEOUSadvantageous adj. Being of advantage, beneficial.
ADVANTAGEOUS adj. giving an advantage.
ADVENTURINGSadventurings n. Plural of adventuring.
ADVENTURING n. the act of having an adventure.
DIVULGATIONSdivulgations n. Plural of divulgation.
DIVULGATION n. the act of divulgating.
UNVARIEGATEDunvariegated adj. Not variegated.
UNVARIEGATED adj. not variegated.
VANGUARDISTSvanguardists n. Plural of vanguardist.
VANGUARDIST n. a practitioner of vanguardism.
INDIVIDUATINGindividuating v. Present participle of individuate.
INDIVIDUATE v. to give individuality to.
OVERADJUSTINGoveradjusting v. Present participle of overadjust.
OVEREDUCATINGovereducating v. Present participle of overeducate.
over-educating v. Present participle of over-educate.
OVEREDUCATE v. to educate to excess.
UNDEVIATINGLYundeviatingly adv. Without deviation; directly, unerringly.
UNDEVIATING adv. keeping a true course.
ADVANTAGEOUSLYadvantageously adv. In a manner which provides an advantage; in an advantageous manner.
ADVANTAGEOUS adv. giving an advantage.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEDcircumnavigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumnavigate.
CIRCUMNAVIGATE v. to go completely around, as the earth, esp. by water.
DISADVANTAGEOUSdisadvantageous adj. Not advantageous.
DISADVANTAGEOUS adj. constituting a disadvantage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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