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There are 17 words containing A, D, G, L, R, U and V

DIVULGATERdivulgater n. (Archaic) One who divulges.
DIVULGATER n. one who divulgates, also DIVULGATOR.
DIVULGATORdivulgator n. Alternative spelling of divulgater.
DIVULGATOR n. one who divulgates, also DIVULGATER.
GERUNDIVALgerundival adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to the gerundive form of a word.
GERUNDIVAL adj. relating to a gerundive, also GERUNDIAL.
VULGARISEDvulgarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of vulgarise.
VULGARISE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARIZE.
VULGARIZEDvulgarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of vulgarize.
VULGARIZE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARISE.
DIVULGATERSdivulgaters n. Plural of divulgater.
DIVULGATER n. one who divulgates, also DIVULGATOR.
DIVULGATORSdivulgators n. Plural of divulgator.
DIVULGATOR n. one who divulgates, also DIVULGATER.
MULTIGRAVIDAmultigravida n. A pregnant woman who has had at least two previous pregnancies.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
OVERSLAUGHEDoverslaughed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overslaugh.
OVERSLAUGH v. to pass over someone in favor of another, as in a promotion.
UNDERVALUINGundervaluing v. Present participle of undervalue.
undervaluing n. An undervaluation.
UNDERVALUE v. to value below the real worth.
UNVULGARISEDunvulgarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of unvulgarise.
UNVULGARISE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARIZE.
UNVULGARIZEDunvulgarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of unvulgarize.
unvulgarized adj. Not vulgarized.
UNVULGARIZE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARISE.
MULTIGRAVIDAEmultigravidae n. Plural of multigravida.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
MULTIGRAVIDASmultigravidas n. Plural of multigravida.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
OVERREGULATEDoverregulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overregulate.
OVERREGULATE v. to regulate to excess.
UNDERLEVERAGEDunderleveraged adj. Not adequately leveraged.
UNDERLEVERAGED adj. insufficiently leveraged.
OVERGLAMOURIZEDSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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