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There are 15 words containing A, D, 2G, I, R and Y

AGGRIEVEDLYaggrievedly adv. In the manner of someone who is aggrieved.
AGGRIEVED adv. AGGRIEVE, to distress.
BODYGUARDINGbodyguarding n. The profession of a bodyguard, protecting another from harm.
BODYGUARD v. to act as a bodyguard.
DAGUERREOTYPINGdaguerreotyping v. Present participle of daguerreotype.
DAGUERREOTYPE v. to develop by daguerreotype, a method of photography by mercury vapour development of silver iodide.
DEGRADINGLYdegradingly adv. In a degrading manner.
DEGRADING adv. DEGRADE, to debase, also DISGRADE.
DEHYDROGENATINGdehydrogenating v. Present participle of dehydrogenate.
dehydrogenating adj. That undergoes or produces dehydrogenation.
DEHYDROGENATE v. to remove the hydrogen from.
DISCOURAGINGLYdiscouragingly adv. In a discouraging manner.
DISCOURAGING adv. disheartening.
DISPARAGINGLYdisparagingly adv. Insultingly.
DISPARAGING adv. DISPARAGE, to belittle; to match in marriage with an inferior.
DRAGGINGLYdraggingly adv. In a way that drags; with a dragging motion.
draggingly adv. Slowly; with reluctance, or as if held back.
GERRYMANDERINGgerrymandering n. (Politics) The practice of redrawing electoral districts to gain an electoral advantage for a political party.
gerrymandering v. Present participle of gerrymander.
GERRYMANDERING n. the process of redistricting voting boundaries to benefit one group over another.
GERRYMANDERINGSgerrymanderings n. Plural of gerrymandering.
GERRYMANDERING n. the process of redistricting voting boundaries to benefit one group over another.
GINGERBREADYgingerbready adj. Resembling or characteristic of gingerbread.
GINGERBREADY adj. like gingerbread.
HYDROGENATINGhydrogenating v. Present participle of hydrogenate.
HYDROGENATE v. to combine or treat with hydrogen.
HYDROGEOLOGICALhydrogeological adj. Of or pertaining to hydrogeology.
HYDROGEOLOGICAL adj. related to hydrogeology.
NIGGARDLYniggardly adj. Withholding for the sake of meanness; stingy, miserly.
niggardly adv. (Now rare) In a parsimonious way; sparingly, stingily.
NIGGARDLY adj. like a niggard, stingy.
WINDBAGGERYwindbaggery n. The behaviour of a windbag; excessive or pompous speech; blather.
WINDBAGGERY n. being a windbag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 216 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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