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There are 20 words containing A, D, F, O, S, T and W

FATWOODSfatwoods n. Plural of fatwood.
FATWOOD n. wood used for kindling.
FORWASTEDforwasted adj. (Obsolete) Laid waste, wasted.
FORWASTE v. (Spenser) to waste completely.
AFTERWORDSafterwords n. Plural of afterword.
AFTERWORD n. an epilogue.
DOWNDRAFTSdowndrafts n. Plural of downdraft.
DOWNDRAFT n. a downward movement of air, also DOWNDRAUGHT.
FORWARDESTforwardest adj. Superlative form of forward: most forward.
FORWARD adj. towards the future.
FRONTWARDSfrontwards adj. Oriented towards the front.
frontwards adv. Towards the front.
FRONTWARDS adv. towards the front, also FRONTWARD.
STRANDWOLFstrandwolf n. (South Africa) The brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea).
STRANDWOLF n. the brown hyena that scavenges the shores in Africa.
SWORDCRAFTswordcraft n. Knowledge of or skill in the use of the sword or swordplay.
swordcraft n. Management by the sword, military skill, or military power; military compulsion.
SWORDCRAFT n. skill at making swords.
WOODCRAFTSwoodcrafts n. Plural of woodcraft.
WOODCRAFT n. skill in hunting or life in the woods generally.
AFTERWORLDSafterworlds n. Plural of afterworld.
after-worlds n. Plural of after-world.
AFTERWORLD n. a future world.
DRAFTSWOMANdraftswoman n. A woman employed in making drawings.
draftswoman n. A woman exceptionally skilled in drawing. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DRAFTSWOMAN n. (US) a draughtswoman.
DRAFTSWOMENdraftswomen n. Plural of draftswoman.
DRAFTSWOMAN n. (US) a draughtswoman.
FLOODWATERSfloodwaters n. The waters of a flood.
flood␣waters n. Plural of flood water.
FLOODWATER n. the water of a flood.
SWORDCRAFTSSWORDCRAFT n. skill at making swords.
WATERFLOODSwaterfloods n. Plural of waterflood.
waterfloods v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of waterflood.
WATERFLOOD n. a flood of water; an inundation.
WOODCRAFTSMANwoodcraftsman n. Alternative form of woodcraftman.
WOODCRAFTSMAN n. a craftsman who works with wood.
WOODCRAFTSMENwoodcraftsmen n. Plural of woodcraftsman.
WOODCRAFTSMAN n. a craftsman who works with wood.
THENCEFORWARDSthenceforwards adv. From then on; from that time on.
THENCEFORWARDS adv. from that time on, also THENCEFORWARD.
WATERFLOODINGSWATERFLOODING n. the practice, in oil, gas or petroleum production, of injecting water to maintain pressure in a reservoir and to drive the oil, etc. towards the production wells.
STRAIGHTFORWARDstraightforward adj. Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating.
straightforward adj. Easy, simple, uncomplicated, without difficulty.
straightforward adj. (Figurative) direct; forthright; frank; sincere.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 379 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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