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There are 19 words containing A, D, E, G and 3L

ALLEGEDLYallegedly adv. According to someone’s allegation.
allegedly adv. According to someone’s conspicuous impressions (which could subsequently be alleged).
ALLEGED adv. ALLEGE, to assert without proof.
FLAGELLATEDflagellated v. Simple past tense and past participle of flagellate.
FLAGELLATE v. to whip; to scourge.
GALLBLADDERgallbladder n. Alternative spelling of gall bladder.
gall␣bladder n. (Anatomy) A pear-shaped organ that stores bile from the liver, until the body needs it for the digestion…
GALLBLADDER n. a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored.
ILLEGALISEDillegalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of illegalise.
ILLEGALISE v. to make or declare illegal, also ILLEGALIZE.
ILLEGALIZEDillegalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of illegalize.
ILLEGALIZE v. to make or declare illegal, also ILLEGALISE.
LALLYGAGGEDlallygagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of lallygag.
LALLYGAG v. to dawdle, idle, also LOLLYGAG.
LOLLYGAGGEDlollygagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of lollygag.
LOLLYGAG v. to dawdle, also LALLYGAG.
GALLBLADDERSgallbladders n. Plural of gallbladder.
gall␣bladders n. Plural of gall bladder.
GALLBLADDER n. a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored.
WALLYDRAIGLEwallydraigle n. A feeble or underdeveloped person or animal.
WALLYDRAIGLE n. (Scots) a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature, also WALLYDRAG.
IDEOLOGICALLYideologically adv. In an ideological manner; with respect to ideology.
IDEOLOGICAL adv. relating to or concerned with ideology, also IDEOLOGIC.
ROLLERBLADINGrollerblading v. Present participle of rollerblade.
ROLLERBLADING n. the sport of skating on rollerblades.
WALLYDRAIGLESwallydraigles n. Plural of wallydraigle.
WALLYDRAIGLE n. (Scots) a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature, also WALLYDRAG.
DINOFLAGELLATEdinoflagellate n. Any of many marine protozoa of the phylum Dinoflagellata, which have two flagella.
DINOFLAGELLATE n. a kind of marine protozoan, one of the principal constituents of plankton.
RADIOLABELLINGradiolabelling v. Present participle of radiolabel.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
ROLLERBLADINGSROLLERBLADING n. the sport of skating on rollerblades.
DIALECTOLOGICALdialectological adj. Of or relating to dialectology.
DIALECTOLOGICAL adj. relating to dialectology.
DINOFLAGELLATESdinoflagellates n. Plural of dinoflagellate.
DINOFLAGELLATE n. a kind of marine protozoan, one of the principal constituents of plankton.
DYSTELEOLOGICALdysteleological adj. Of or pertaining to dysteleology.
DYSTELEOLOGICAL adj. related to dysteleology, the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
UNIDEOLOGICALLYunideologically adv. Without regard to ideology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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