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There are 10 words containing A, 2D, 2G, L and N

BEGLADDINGBEGLAD v. to make glad.
DEGRADINGLYdegradingly adv. In a degrading manner.
DEGRADING adv. DEGRADE, to debase, also DISGRADE.
DEGRINGOLADEdegringolade n. A rapid decline or deterioration; a tumble.
dégringolade n. Alternative spelling of degringolade.
DEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DEGRINGOLADEDDEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DEGRINGOLADESdegringolades n. Plural of degringolade.
dégringolades n. Plural of dégringolade.
DEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DEGRINGOLADINGDEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DIGLADIATINGdigladiating v. Present participle of digladiate.
DIGLADIATE v. (obsolete) to fight with swords; to fence.
GLADDENINGgladdening v. Present participle of gladden.
gladdening n. A becoming glad.
gladdening adj. Causing feelings of gladness.
GLADDINGgladding v. Present participle of glad.
Gladding prop.n. A surname.
GLAD v. to make happy.
OLIGODENDROGLIAoligodendroglia n. (Anatomy) tissue (neuroglia) consisting of glial cells that are smaller than astrocytes and form the myelin sheath.
OLIGODENDROGLIA n. a glia made up of oligodendrocytes that forms the myelin sheath around axons in the central nervous system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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