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There are 17 words containing A, 2D, E, F and 2N

DEFENDANTdefendant adj. Serving, or suitable, for defense; defensive, defending.
defendant n. (Law) In civil proceedings, the party responding to the complaint; one who is sued and called upon to…
defendant n. (Law) In criminal proceedings, the accused.
DEFENDANTSdefendants n. Plural of defendant.
DEFENDANT n. a person accused or sued.
DEFINIENDAdefinienda n. Plural of definiendum.
DEFINIENDUM n. (Latin) a word or phrase that is to be defined in a dictionary.
CODEFENDANTcodefendant n. (Law) Any of several defendants answering the same charge.
co-defendant n. Alternative spelling of codefendant.
CODEFENDANT n. a joint defendant.
HANDFEEDINGhandfeeding v. Present participle of handfeed.
HANDFEED v. to feed with the hand.
CODEFENDANTScodefendants n. Plural of codefendant.
co-defendants n. Plural of co-defendant.
CODEFENDANT n. a joint defendant.
FANFARONADEDfanfaronaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of fanfaronade.
FANFARONADE v. to bluster.
NONFEDERATEDnonfederated adj. Not federated.
NONFEDERATED adj. not federated.
OFFHANDEDNESSoffhandedness n. The property of being offhand.
off-handedness n. Alternative form of offhandedness.
OFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.
UNDERFINANCEDunderfinanced adj. Lacking sufficient financing.
UNDERFINANCED adj. inadequately financed.
UNDERINFLATEDunderinflated v. Simple past tense and past participle of underinflate.
UNDERINFLATED adj. not sufficiently inflated.
DISDAINFULNESSdisdainfulness n. The state or quality of being disdainful.
DISDAINFUL n. full of or expressing disdain, also SDEIGNFULL.
FOREHANDEDNESSforehandedness n. Prudence, foresight, and thriftiness.
forehandedness n. Action taken in advance.
forehandedness n. Wealth, the quality of having sufficient possessions to live comfortably.
FREEHANDEDNESSfreehandedness n. The quality or state of being freehanded.
free-handedness n. Alternative form of freehandedness.
FREEHANDED n. openhanded, liberal.
UNCONFEDERATEDunconfederated adj. Not confederated.
UNCONFEDERATED adj. not confederated.
DISENFRANCHISEDdisenfranchised v. Simple past tense and past participle of disenfranchise.
disenfranchised adj. Not represented; especially, not having the right to vote.
DISENFRANCHISE v. to deprive of a franchise.
OFFHANDEDNESSESOFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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