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There are 14 words containing A, 3D, O, R and S

ADDORSEDaddorsed adj. (Heraldry, of animals or wings) Set back to back, facing away from each other.
addorsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of addorse.
ADDORSED adj. in heraldry, turned back to back.
BROADSIDEDbroadsided v. Simple past tense and past participle of broadside.
BROADSIDE v. to deliver a broadside.
DISACCORDEDdisaccorded v. Simple past tense and past participle of disaccord.
DISACCORD v. to refuse to assent.
DISADORNEDdisadorned v. Simple past tense and past participle of disadorn.
DISADORN v. to deprive of ornaments.
DISHOARDEDdishoarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of dishoard.
DISHOARD v. to put previously withheld (money) into circulation.
DODDARDSDODDARD n. (obsolete) a tree missing its top branches through rot or decay.
DODECAHEDRONSdodecahedrons n. Plural of dodecahedron.
DODECAHEDRON n. (Greek) a twelve-sided solid figure.
DODECANDROUSdodecandrous adj. (Botany) Having twelve stamens.
DODECANDROUS adj. having twelve stamens.
ENDOCARDITIDESendocarditides n. Plural of endocarditis.
ENDOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
ENDORADIOSONDEendoradiosonde n. A radiopill.
ENDORADIOSONDE n. a miniature battery-powered transmitter designed to be swallowed by the patient to send out information about a bodily function such as digestion.
ENDORADIOSONDESendoradiosondes n. Plural of endoradiosonde.
ENDORADIOSONDE n. a miniature battery-powered transmitter designed to be swallowed by the patient to send out information about a bodily function such as digestion.
PADDLEBOARDSpaddleboards n. Plural of paddleboard.
paddle␣boards n. Plural of paddle board.
PADDLEBOARD n. a long narrow buoyant board used for riding the surf or in rescuing swimmers.
ROUNDHEADEDNESSROUNDHEADEDNESS n. the state of being roundheaded.
UNDERDIAGNOSEDunderdiagnosed adj. (Of a disease or symptom) diagnosed less frequently than its occurrence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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