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There are 11 words containing A, C, P, 2T, U and V

ANTISPECULATIVEantispeculative adj. (Economy) Opposing speculation.
ANTISPECULATIVE adj. opposed to speculation.
COMPUTATIVEcomputative adj. Of or relating to computation, computational.
computative adj. Calculating, shrewdly or selfishly reckoning.
COMPUTATIVE adj. of or relating to computation.
COUNTERADAPTIVEcounteradaptive adj. Relating to counteradaptation.
MULTIPLICATIVEmultiplicative adj. Of or pertaining to multiplication.
multiplicative adj. (Mathematics, of a function, etc.) Distributive over multiplication.
multiplicative adj. (Algebra) Having multiplication as an operator.
PUNCTUATIVEpunctuative adj. Suggesting or pertaining to punctuation.
PUNCTUATIVE adj. relating to punctuation.
PUTREFACTIVEputrefactive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing putrefaction.
PUTREFACTIVE adj. relating to putrefaction.
RECAPITULATIVErecapitulative adj. Pertaining to, or characterized by recapitulation.
RECAPITULATIVE adj. serving to recapitulate.
STUPEFACTIVEstupefactive adj. Inducing stupor; making drowsy; stupefacient.
STUPEFACTIVE adj. causing stupefaction.
SUPERACTIVITIESsuperactivities n. Plural of superactivity.
SUPERACTIVITY n. the state of being superactive.
SUPERACTIVITYsuperactivity n. A state of heightened or excessive activity.
superactivity n. A scout group activity involving adventure away from home.
SUPERACTIVITY n. the state of being superactive.
UNCAPTIVATEDuncaptivated adj. Not captivated.
UNCAPTIVATED adj. not captivated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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