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There are 16 words containing A, C, L, O, P, U and V

COMPLUVIAcompluvia n. Plural of compluvium.
COMPLUVIUM n. (Latin) a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling, through which the rain fell into the impluvium or cistern.
COPULATIVEcopulative adj. Of or pertaining to copulation.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That acts as a copula.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That connects the subject of a clause with its complement.
COPULATIVEScopulatives n. Plural of copulative.
COPULATIVE n. a conjunction that indicates combination e.g. 'and'.
PROVASCULARprovascular adj. (Biology) Relating to the procambium.
PROVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or being procambium.
COMPULSATIVEcompulsative adj. (Obsolete) compulsatory; employing force or constraint.
COMPULSATIVE adj. (Shakespeare) compulsory, also COMPULSATORY.
COPULATIVELYcopulatively adv. In a copulative manner.
COPULATIVE adv. uniting.
OVERSPECULATEoverspeculate v. (Finance) To spend too much money in speculation.
overspeculate v. To speculate excessively.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
NONSPECULATIVEnonspeculative adj. Not speculative.
NONSPECULATIVE adj. not speculative.
OVERPARTICULARoverparticular adj. Excessively fastidious.
OVERPARTICULAR adj. excessively particular.
OVERSPECULATEDoverspeculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overspeculate.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
OVERSPECULATESoverspeculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overspeculate.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
PLUVIOMETRICALpluviometrical adj. Of or pertaining to a pluviometer.
PLUVIOMETRICAL adj. relating to pluviometry, the measurement of rainfall, also PLUVIOMETRIC.
PROVENTRICULARproventricular adj. Relating to the proventriculus.
proventricular adj. Relating to the stage in the lifecycle of some parasites when they migrate to the proventriculus or midgut.
PROVENTRICULAR adj. relating to the proventriculus, the first part of a bird's stomach.
OVERSPECULATINGoverspeculating v. Present participle of overspeculate.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
OVERSPECULATIONoverspeculation n. (Finance) Excessive or very risky speculation.
OVERSPECULATION n. excessive speculation.
UNCOOPERATIVELYuncooperatively adv. In an uncooperative manner.
UNCOOPERATIVE adv. not cooperative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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