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There are 20 words containing A, C, 2I, N, U and X

AUXINICauxinic adj. Relating to, or composed of, auxins.
AUXINIC adj. relating to an auxin, a plant hormone.
CIGUATOXINciguatoxin n. (Toxicology) Any of several closely related toxins, having a complex structure including a row of thirteen…
CIGUATOXIN n. a toxin found in seafood.
CIGUATOXINSciguatoxins n. Plural of ciguatoxin.
CIGUATOXIN n. a toxin found in seafood.
CONTEXTUALISINGcontextualising v. Present participle of contextualise.
CONTEXTUALISE v. to put into a context, also CONTEXTUALIZE.
CONTEXTUALIZINGcontextualizing v. Present participle of contextualize.
CONTEXTUALIZE v. to place in a context, also CONTEXTUALISE.
EXCOMMUNICATINGexcommunicating v. Present participle of excommunicate.
EXCOMMUNICATE v. to formally exclude someone from a group or community, esp. from a religious community.
EXCOMMUNICATIONexcommunication n. The act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting; especially an ecclesiastical censure whereby…
ex-communication n. Alternative spelling of excommunication.
EXCOMMUNICATION n. an ecclesiastical censure depriving a person of the rights of church membership.
EXCOMMUNICATIVEexcommunicative adj. Relating to excommunication.
EXCOMMUNICATIVE adj. relating to excommunication.
EXCRUCIATINGexcruciating adj. Causing great pain or anguish, agonizing.
excruciating adj. Exceedingly intense; extreme.
EXCRUCIATE v. to inflict intense pain on.
EXCRUCIATINGLYexcruciatingly adv. In an excruciating manner or to an excruciating degree; in a manner causing great anguish or pain.
excruciatingly adv. In a very intense or extreme manner.
EXCRUCIATING adv. EXCRUCIATE, to inflict intense pain on.
EXCRUCIATIONexcruciation n. Excruciating pain.
EXCRUCIATION n. the act of excruciating.
EXCRUCIATIONSexcruciations n. Plural of excruciation.
EXCRUCIATION n. the act of excruciating.
EXTRALINGUISTICextralinguistic adj. Outside the realm of linguistics.
EXTRALINGUISTIC adj. lying outside the province of linguistics.
INEXACTITUDEinexactitude n. A lack of exactness; something inexact or imprecise.
INEXACTITUDE n. lack of exactitude.
INEXACTITUDESinexactitudes n. Plural of inexactitude.
INEXACTITUDE n. lack of exactitude.
INEXCUSABILITYinexcusability n. The quality of being inexcusable.
INEXCUSABILITY n. the quality of being inexcusable.
LUXURIANCIESluxuriancies n. Plural of luxuriancy.
LUXURIANCY n. the state of being luxuriant, also LUXURIANCE.
QUINCUNXIALquincunxial adj. Alternative spelling of quincuncial.
QUINCUNXIAL adj. of or like a quincunx, also QUINCUNCIAL.
SEXTUPLICATINGsextuplicating v. Present participle of sextuplicate.
SEXTUPLICATE v. to copy sixfold.
UNINTOXICATINGunintoxicating adj. Not intoxicating.
UNINTOXICATING adj. not intoxicating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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