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There are 15 words containing A, C, H, L, M, S and Z

ALCHEMIZESalchemizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of alchemize.
ALCHEMIZE v. to change by alchemy; to transmute, also ALCHEMISE.
CHALAZOGAMIESCHALAZOGAMY n. the entry of the pollen tube through the chalaza, as opposed to porogamy.
CHLORPROMAZINESchlorpromazines n. Plural of chlorpromazine.
CHLORPROMAZINE n. a phenothiazine used chiefly as a tranquilizer esp. in the form of its hydrochloride to control the symptoms of psychotic disorders.
SCHLIMAZELschlimazel n. (Colloquial, chiefly US) A chronically unlucky person.
SCHLIMAZEL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky person; one with perpetual bad luck, also SHLIMAZEL.
SCHLIMAZELSschlimazels n. Plural of schlimazel.
SCHLIMAZEL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky person; one with perpetual bad luck, also SHLIMAZEL.
SCHMALTZschmaltz n. (Uncountable) Liquid chicken fat.
schmaltz n. (Uncountable) Excessively sentimental art or music.
Schmaltz prop.n. A surname from German.
SCHMALTZESSchmaltzes prop.n. Plural of Schmaltz.
SCHMALTZ n. (Yiddish) excessive sentimentality, also SCHMALZ, SHMALTZ.
SCHMALTZIERschmaltzier adj. Comparative form of schmaltzy: more schmaltzy.
SHMALTZY adj. (Yiddish) sickly sentimental, also SCHMALTZY, SCHMALZY.
SCHMALTZIESTschmaltziest adj. Superlative form of schmaltzy: most schmaltzy.
SHMALTZY adj. (Yiddish) sickly sentimental, also SCHMALTZY, SCHMALZY.
SCHMALTZYschmaltzy adj. Overly sentimental, emotional, maudlin or bathetic.
SCHMALTZY adj. (Yiddish) sickly sentimental, also SCHMALZY, SHMALTZY.
SCHMALZschmalz n. Alternative form of schmaltz.
SCHMALZ n. (Yiddish) excessive sentimentality, also SCHMALTZ, SHMALTZ.
SCHMALZESSCHMALZ n. (Yiddish) excessive sentimentality, also SCHMALTZ, SHMALTZ.
SCHMALZIERschmalzier adj. Comparative form of schmalzy: more schmalzy.
SCHMALZY adj. (Yiddish) characterized by schmaltz, also SHMALTZY.
SCHMALZIESTschmalziest adj. Superlative form of schmalzy: most schmalzy.
SCHMALZY adj. (Yiddish) characterized by schmaltz, also SHMALTZY.
SCHMALZYschmalzy adj. Alternative spelling of schmaltzy.
SCHMALZY adj. (Yiddish) characterized by schmaltz, also SHMALTZY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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