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There are 20 words containing A, C, G, 2M, S and U

CHASMOGAMOUSchasmogamous adj. Exhibiting chasmogamy.
CHASMOGAMOUS adj. relating to chasmogamy, the opening of a flower in order to be fertilized, also CHASMOGAMIC.
CHUMMAGESchummages n. Plural of chummage.
CHUMMAGE n. a fee paid by a prisoner for sole use of a cell.
CIRCUMAMBAGEScircumambages n. Instances of indirectness or deviousness in speaking or writing: circumlocutions.
CIRCUMAMBAGES n. roundabout methods of speech.
CIRCUMAMBAGIOUScircumambagious adj. Of or relating to circumambages; circumlocutionary.
CIRCUMAMBAGIOUS adj. roundabout in speech.
COMMEASURINGcommeasuring v. Present participle of commeasure.
COMMEASURE v. to be commensurate with; to equal.
COMMUNALISINGcommunalising v. Present participle of communalise.
COMMUNALISE v. to make communal, also COMMUNALIZE.
CONSUMMATINGconsummating v. Present participle of consummate.
CONSUMMATE v. to finish, complete.
GEMMACEOUSgemmaceous adj. Relating to, or resembling, gems or gemmae.
GEMMACEOUS adj. budlike, relating to gemmae.
MACROSPORANGIUMmacrosporangium n. (Botany) A megasporangium; sporangium or conceptacle containing only large spores; opposed to microsporangium.
MACROSPORANGIUM n. a sporangium producing only megaspores.
METACOMPUTINGSMETACOMPUTING n. computing that uses metacomputers.
MICROSPORANGIUMmicrosporangium n. (Botany) A case, capsule or container that holds microspores.
MICROSPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in heterosporous plants where the microspores develop.
MULTIORGASMICmultiorgasmic adj. Capable of multiple orgasms without a refractory period.
multi-orgasmic adj. Alternative spelling of multiorgasmic.
MULTIORGASMIC adj. experiencing more than one orgasm.
MYRMECOPHAGOUSmyrmecophagous adj. Pertaining to the anteater.
myrmecophagous adj. Feeding on ants.
MYRMECOPHAGOUS adj. feeding on ants.
SCRUMMAGEscrummage n. (Rugby) An ordered formation of forwards, typically bending down, binding to one another with their…
scrummage n. (American football, rare) A scrimmage.
scrummage n. Dated form of scrimmage (“a rough fight”).
SCRUMMAGEDscrummaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of scrummage.
SCRUMMAGE v. to engage in a scrummage, also SCRIMMAGE, SKRIMMAGE.
SCRUMMAGERscrummager n. (Rugby) One who scrummages; usually used in reference to the qualities of front row forwards.
SCRUMMAGER n. one who takes part in a scrummage.
SCRUMMAGERSscrummagers n. Plural of scrummager.
SCRUMMAGER n. one who takes part in a scrummage.
SCRUMMAGESscrummages n. Plural of scrummage.
scrummages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scrummage.
SCRUMMAGE n. a noisy dispute or tussle; a rough or confused struggle.
SCRUMMAGINGscrummaging v. Present participle of scrummage.
SCRUMMAGE v. to engage in a scrummage, also SCRIMMAGE, SKRIMMAGE.
SUBMICROGRAMsubmicrogram adj. Being or relating to a quantity of less than a microgram.
submicrogram n. An amount that is less than a microgram.
SUBMICROGRAM adj. relating to or having a mass of less than one microgram.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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