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There are 14 words containing A, C, 2G, S, T and U

CATALOGUISINGcataloguising v. Present participle of cataloguise.
CONJUGATINGSconjugatings n. Plural of conjugating.
CONJUGATING n. the act of conjugation.
GALACTAGOGUESgalactagogues n. Plural of galactagogue.
GALACTAGOGUE n. a medicine that promotes secretion of milk.
GESTICULATINGgesticulating v. Present participle of gesticulate.
GESTICULATE v. to make gestures esp. when speaking.
LAUGHINGSTOCKlaughingstock n. Alternative spelling of laughing stock.
laughing-stock n. Alternative spelling of laughing stock.
laughing␣stock n. (Idiomatic) An object of ridicule, someone who is publicly ridiculed; the butt of a joke.
LAUGHINGSTOCKSlaughingstocks n. Plural of laughingstock.
laughing-stocks n. Plural of laughing-stock.
laughing␣stocks n. Plural of laughing stock.
MISCATALOGUINGmiscataloguing v. Present participle of miscatalogue.
ROUGHCASTINGroughcasting v. Present participle of roughcast.
ROUGHCAST v. to cover with roughcast.
SECRETAGOGUEsecretagogue n. (Physiology, medicine) A substance which promotes secretion of another, such as a hormone (e.g., insulin)…
SECRETAGOGUE n. a substance inducing or stimulating secretion.
SECRETAGOGUESsecretagogues n. Plural of secretagogue.
SECRETAGOGUE n. a substance inducing or stimulating secretion.
SUBCATEGORISINGsubcategorising v. Present participle of subcategorise.
SUBCATEGORISE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORIZE.
SUBCATEGORIZINGsubcategorizing v. Present participle of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
SUGARCOATINGsugarcoating v. Present participle of sugarcoat.
sugar-coating v. Present participle of sugar-coat.
sugar␣coating v. Present participle of sugar coat.
TURBOCHARGINGSTURBOCHARGING n. the act of fitting with a turbocharger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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