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There are 20 words containing A, C, 2G, M, N and R

CHOLANGIOGRAMcholangiogram n. A diagnostic image produced by cholangiography.
CHOLANGIOGRAM n. a record produced by cholangiography, bile duct X-rays.
CHOLANGIOGRAMScholangiograms n. Plural of cholangiogram.
CHOLANGIOGRAM n. a record produced by cholangiography, bile duct X-rays.
CIRCUMGYRATINGcircumgyrating v. Present participle of circumgyrate.
CIRCUMGYRATE v. to whirl or roll round.
CONGLOMERATINGconglomerating v. Present participle of conglomerate.
CONGLOMERATE v. to gather into a ball.
FROGMARCHINGfrogmarching v. Present participle of frogmarch.
frog-marching v. Present participle of frog-march.
frog␣marching v. Present participle of frog march.
GAMARUCHINGGAMARUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMAHUCHE.
GRAMMATICISINGgrammaticising v. Present participle of grammaticise.
GRAMMATICISE v. to make grammatical, also GRAMMATICIZE.
GRAMMATICIZINGgrammaticizing v. Present participle of grammaticize.
GRAMMATICIZE v. to make grammatical, also GRAMMATICISE.
GRIMACINGgrimacing v. Present participle of grimace.
grimacing n. The act of making a grimace.
GRIMACE v. to contort the facial features.
GRIMACINGLYgrimacingly adv. With a grimace.
GRIMACING adv. GRIMACE, to contort the facial features.
GYROMAGNETICgyromagnetic adj. Of, relating to, or resulting from the properties of a spinning magnet, or a spinning electric charge; magnetogyric.
GYROMAGNETIC adj. denoting the magnetic properties of the spinning electron in an atom.
MARCONIGRAPHINGmarconigraphing v. Present participle of marconigraph.
MARCONIGRAPH v. to send a message by wireless telegraphy.
MICROAGGRESSIONmicroaggression n. (Sociology, chiefly US) Any small-scale verbal or physical interaction between those of different races…
MICROAGGRESSION n. indirect or subtle actions or statements regarded as denigrating a minority group.
MICROGRAPHINGmicrographing v. Present participle of micrograph.
MICROGRAPH v. to write with a micrograph.
MICROMANAGINGmicromanaging v. Present participle of micromanage.
MICROMANAGE v. to manage at a detailed level.
MISCHARGINGmischarging v. Present participle of mischarge.
MISCHARGE v. to charge erroneously, as to an account.
SCAREMONGERINGscaremongering n. The actions of scaremongers in spreading frightening or ominous reports or rumours.
scaremongering v. Present participle of scaremonger.
SCAREMONGERING n. raising false alarms.
SCRIMMAGINGscrimmaging v. Present participle of scrimmage.
scrimmaging n. A scrimmage.
SCRIMMAGE v. to take part in a scrimmage, also SCRUMMAGE, SKRIMMAGE.
SCRUMMAGINGscrummaging v. Present participle of scrummage.
SCRUMMAGE v. to engage in a scrummage, also SCRIMMAGE, SKRIMMAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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