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There are 17 words containing A, C, F, L, M and 2N

CONFESSIONALISMconfessionalism n. (Religion) A belief in the importance of full and unambiguous assent to the whole of a religious teaching.
confessionalism n. (Poetry) A style of American poetry that draws on the personal history of the poet.
confessionalism n. A system of government that proportionally distributes political and institutional power among religious…
CONFIRMATIONALconfirmational adj. (Philosophy) Of or pertaining to the confirmation of one theory or observation by others.
CONFIRMATIONAL adj. relating to confirmation.
CONFORMABLENESSconformableness n. The state or quality of being conformable.
CONFORMABLE n. compliant.
CONFORMATIONALconformational adj. Of or pertaining to a conformation.
CONFORMATIONAL adj. relating to conformation.
FUNCTIONALISMfunctionalism n. (Architecture) A doctrine, in several fields, that the function of something should be reflected in…
functionalism n. (Philosophy) The definition of mental states in terms of their causes and effects.
functionalism n. (Social sciences) The idea that social and cultural cohesion are a function of the interdependence and…
FUNCTIONALISMSfunctionalisms n. Plural of functionalism.
FUNCTIONALISM n. a doctrine emphasising utility and function.
MAGNIFICENTLYmagnificently adv. In a magnificent manner.
MAGNIFICENT adv. splendid.
MALCONFORMATIONmalconformation n. Imperfect, disproportionate, or abnormal formation; disproportion of parts.
MALCONFORMATION n. disproportionate or imperfect formation.
MALFUNCTIONmalfunction n. Faulty functioning.
malfunction n. Failure to function.
malfunction v. To function improperly.
MALFUNCTIONEDmalfunctioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of malfunction.
MALFUNCTION v. to function imperfectly or badly.
MALFUNCTIONINGmalfunctioning v. Present participle of malfunction.
malfunctioning n. A malfunction.
MALFUNCTIONING n. an instance of functioning imperfectly or badly.
MALFUNCTIONINGSmalfunctionings n. Plural of malfunctioning.
MALFUNCTIONING n. an instance of functioning imperfectly or badly.
MALFUNCTIONSmalfunctions n. Plural of malfunction.
malfunctions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of malfunction.
MALFUNCTION v. to function imperfectly or badly.
MULTIFUNCTIONALmultifunctional adj. Having multiple functions.
MULTIFUNCTIONAL adj. having many functions, also MULTIFUNCTION.
UNCONFORMABLEunconformable adj. Not conformable.
unconformable adj. (Geology) Exhibiting unconformity.
UNCONFORMABLE adj. not conforming.
UNCONFORMABLYunconformably adv. In an unconformable manner.
UNCONFORMABLE adv. not conforming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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