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There are 20 words containing A, C, F, 3L and O

CALORIFICALLYcalorifically adv. In a calorific manner.
CALORIFIC adv. of, pertaining to, or causing heat.
CHOLECALCIFEROLcholecalciferol n. Vitamin D3.
CHOLECALCIFEROL n. a natural form of vitamin D found esp. in fish, egg yolks, and fish-liver oils.
COROLLIFLORALcorollifloral adj. (Botany) Having the stamens borne on the petals, and the latter free from the calyx.
COROLLIFLORAL adj. belonging to the Corolliflorae, also COROLLIFLOROUS.
FALLACIOUSLYfallaciously adv. In a fallacious manner, erroneously, illogically.
FALLACIOUS adv. embodying or pertaining to a fallacy.
FLAGELLOMANIACflagellomaniac n. A person who has flagellomania.
FLAGELLOMANIAC n. a sufferer from flagellomania.
FLAGELLOMANIACSflagellomaniacs n. Plural of flagellomaniac.
FLAGELLOMANIAC n. a sufferer from flagellomania.
FLOCCILLATIONfloccillation n. (Rare) Picking at the bedclothes, usually seen in delirious, feverish or dying people.
FLOCCILLATION n. a picking or plucking at the bed clothes by a delirious patient.
FLOCCILLATIONSfloccillations n. Plural of floccillation.
FLOCCILLATION n. a picking or plucking at the bed clothes by a delirious patient.
FLORICULTURALfloricultural adj. Of or pertaining to floriculture.
FLORICULTURAL adj. relating to floriculture.
FLORISTICALLYfloristically adv. In a floristic manner; according to flora.
floristically adv. With regard to floristry.
FLORISTIC adv. relating to flora.
FOLLICULARfollicular adj. Of, pertaining to, having or resembling follicles.
FOLLICULAR adj. like, pertaining to, or consisting of, a follicles or follicles.
FOLLICULATEDfolliculated adj. Having follicles.
FOLLICULATED adj. having follicles, also FOLLICULATE.
FORMALISTICALLYformalistically adv. In a formalistic manner.
FORMALISTIC adv. relating to formalism.
FORMULAICALLYformulaically adv. In a formulaic manner; according to an established formula.
FORMULAIC adv. of the nature of a formula.
INFLECTIONALLYinflectionally adv. In an inflectional manner.
INFLECTIONAL adv. relating to inflection, also INFLEXIONAL.
MAXILLOFACIALmaxillofacial adj. Of or relating to the jaw and face.
MAXILLOFACIAL adj. of, relating to, or treating the maxilla and the face.
PROLIFICALLYprolifically adv. In a prolific manner, or to a prolific extent; abundantly.
PROLIFICAL adv. producing young or fruit abundantly.
REFLEXOLOGICALreflexological adj. Of or pertaining to reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGICAL adj. related to reflexology.
SCALPELLIFORMscalpelliform adj. Having the form of the blade of a scalpel or penknife.
SCALPELLIFORM adj. shaped like a scalpel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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