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There are 19 words containing A, C, F, I, P, T and Y

COMPACTIFYcompactify v. (Humorous, intransitive) To become compact or more compact.
compactify v. (Humorous, transitive) To render (a thing) compact or more compact.
compactify v. (Mathematics, transitive) To enlarge (a topological space) in order to render it compact.
COMPACTIFYINGcompactifying v. Present participle of compactify.
COMPACTIFY v. to render compact.
HYPERFUNCTIONALhyperfunctional adj. Having, or characterised by, increased function.
HYPERFUNCTIONAL adj. relating to hyperfunction, the overactivity of a gland or other bodily organ.
PACIFICATORYpacificatory adj. Promoting peace; conciliatory.
PACIFICATORY adj. tending to make peace.
PACIFISTICALLYpacifistically adv. In a pacifistic manner; in the manner of a pacifist.
PACIFISTIC adv. relating to the beliefs and principles of pacifists.
PARFOCALITYparfocality n. The condition of being parfocal.
PARFOCALITY n. the state of being parfocal.
PATRIFOCALITYpatrifocality n. The state or condition of being patrifocal; patriarchy.
PATRIFOCALITY n. the state of being patrifocal, centred on the father.
PERFECTABILITYperfectability n. The state or quality of being able to be perfected.
PONTIFICALITYpontificality n. The state and government of the pope; the papacy.
PONTIFICALITY n. the state of being pontifical.
PONTIFICALLYpontifically adv. In a pontifical manner; in the manner of a pope.
pontifically adv. Whilst pontificating; with pontification.
PONTIFICAL adv. of or like a pontiff.
PRESANCTIFYPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
PRESANCTIFYINGPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
PURIFICATORYpurificatory adj. That purifies; purificative.
PURIFICATORY adj. serving to purify, also PURIFICATIVE.
SPECIFICATORYspecificatory adj. Serving to specify something.
SPECIFICATORY adj. serving to specify.
SUPERFICIALITYsuperficiality n. The property of being superficial, the tendency to judge by surface appearance.
SUPERFICIALITY n. the state of being superficial.
TYPIFICATIONtypification n. The act of typifying; classification into types.
typification n. Something which typifies or serves as a type.
TYPIFICATION n. the act of typifying.
TYPIFICATIONStypifications n. Plural of typification.
TYPIFICATION n. the act of typifying.
YUPPIFICATIONyuppification n. The act or process of yuppifying.
YUPPIFICATION n. the process of conversion into a yuppy.
YUPPIFICATIONSYUPPIFICATION n. the process of conversion into a yuppy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 324 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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