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There are 19 words containing A, C, F, I, M, P and R

CAMPFIREcampfire n. A fire at a campground or on a camping trip, often used for cooking, to provide light and heat, to drive…
camp␣fire n. Alternative form of campfire.
CAMPFIRE n. a fire to sit round at camp.
CAMPFIREScampfires n. Plural of campfire.
CAMPFIRE n. a fire to sit round at camp.
CAPRIFORMcapriform adj. Having the form of a goat.
CAPRIFORM adj. goatlike.
CRAMPFISHcrampfish n. A type of electric ray.
crampfish n. A coffin ray (Hypnos monopterygius).
CRAMPFISH n. the electric ray.
RIFAMPICINrifampicin n. (Pharmacology) A reddish-brown semisynthetic antibiotic C43H58N4O12 obtained from the bacterium Amycolaptosis…
RIFAMPICIN n. an antibiotic drug used in treating tuberculosis, leprosy and meningitis.
CAMPANIFORMcampaniform adj. In the shape of a bell.
CAMPANIFORM adj. bell-shaped.
CRAMPFISHEScrampfishes n. Plural of crampfish.
CRAMPFISH n. the electric ray.
RIFAMPICINSrifampicins n. Plural of rifampicin.
RIFAMPICIN n. an antibiotic drug used in treating tuberculosis, leprosy and meningitis.
SCALPRIFORMscalpriform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like a chisel.
SCALPRIFORM adj. shaped like a chisel.
CAMPODEIFORMcampodeiform adj. (Zoology) Of, pertaining to, or resembling an insect or larva of the genus Campodea.
CAMPODEIFORM adj. of or resembling the Campodeidae, certain six-legged, hard-bodied active insect larvae.
CRAFTMANSHIPcraftmanship n. Alternative form of craftsmanship.
CRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
PLACENTIFORMplacentiform adj. (Botany) Having the shape of a placenta, or thickened disk somewhat thinner about the middle.
PLACENTIFORM adj. cake-shaped.
CRAFTMANSHIPSCRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
CRAFTSMANSHIPcraftsmanship n. The quality of being a craftsman.
craftsmanship n. An example of a craftsman’s work.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
SCALPELLIFORMscalpelliform adj. Having the form of the blade of a scalpel or penknife.
SCALPELLIFORM adj. shaped like a scalpel.
SIMPLIFICATORsimplificator n. One who simplifies.
SIMPLIFICATOR n. one who simplifies.
CRAFTSMANSHIPScraftsmanships n. Plural of craftsmanship.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
SIMPLIFICATORSsimplificators n. Plural of simplificator.
SIMPLIFICATOR n. one who simplifies.
PREMODIFICATIONpremodification n. (Grammar) modification by a premodifier.
PREMODIFICATION adj. preceding a modification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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