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There are 20 words containing A, C, F, H, M, R and T

AFFRANCHISEMENTaffranchisement n. The act of freeing; enfranchisement.
AFFRANCHISEMENT n. the act of affranchising.
CRAFTMANSHIPcraftmanship n. Alternative form of craftsmanship.
CRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
CRAFTMANSHIPSCRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
CRAFTSMANSHIPcraftsmanship n. The quality of being a craftsman.
craftsmanship n. An example of a craftsman’s work.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
CRAFTSMANSHIPScraftsmanships n. Plural of craftsmanship.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
CYATHIFORMcyathiform adj. In the form of a cup, a little widened at the top.
CYATHIFORM adj. shaped like a cup.
ENFRANCHISEMENTenfranchisement n. The act of enfranchising.
enfranchisement n. A release from slavery.
enfranchisement n. The investiture with any of several municipal privileges.
FORTHCAMEforthcame v. Simple past tense of forthcome.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
FRANCHISEMENTfranchisement n. Release; deliverance; freedom.
FRANCHISEMENT n. liberation.
FRANCHISEMENTSfranchisements n. Plural of franchisement.
FRANCHISEMENT n. liberation.
HANDCRAFTSMANhandcraftsman n. A handicraftsman.
HANDCRAFTSMAN n. a person who is skilled in handicraft.
HANDCRAFTSMENhandcraftsmen n. Plural of handcraftsman.
HANDCRAFTSMAN n. a person who is skilled in handicraft.
HANDICRAFTSMANhandicraftsman n. A practitioner of a handicraft, usually male.
handi-craftsman n. Alternative form of handicraftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
HANDICRAFTSMENhandicraftsmen n. Plural of handicraftsman.
handi-craftsmen n. Plural of handi-craftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
HOMECRAFThomecraft n. (Countable) A homemade handicraft.
homecraft n. (Uncountable) The art of homemaking.
HOMECRAFT n. a craft practised at home.
HOMECRAFTShomecrafts n. Plural of homecraft.
HOMECRAFT n. a craft practised at home.
MOTHERCRAFTmothercraft n. The knowledge and skills associated with motherhood.
MOTHERCRAFT n. the craft of being a mother.
MOTHERCRAFTSMOTHERCRAFT n. the craft of being a mother.
SMITHCRAFTsmithcraft n. The art or occupation of a smith.
SMITHCRAFT n. the craft of a smith.
SMITHCRAFTSSMITHCRAFT n. the craft of a smith.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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