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There are 14 words containing A, C, 2F, M, O and R

AFFORCEMENTafforcement n. (Obsolete) A reinforcement; a strengthening.
AFFORCEMENT n. the act of afforcing, strengthening a jury by adding skilled people.
AFFORCEMENTSafforcements n. Plural of afforcement.
AFFORCEMENT n. the act of afforcing, strengthening a jury by adding skilled people.
CHROMAFFINchromaffin adj. (Cytology) Having an affinity for (and thus being stained brownish yellow) by chromium salts.
CHROMAFFIN adj. staining deeply with chromium salts.
CHROMAFFINSSorry, definition not available.
COFFEEMAKERcoffeemaker n. (Obsolete) A person who makes coffee.
coffeemaker n. Any of several different types of kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee.
coffee-maker n. Alternative spelling of coffeemaker.
COFFEEMAKERScoffeemakers n. Plural of coffeemaker.
coffee-makers n. Plural of coffee-maker.
coffee␣makers n. Plural of coffee maker.
COFFERDAMcofferdam n. (Engineering) A temporary watertight enclosure used to create a dry foundation for building bridges…
cofferdam n. (Nautical) An empty space that acts as a protective barrier between two floors or bulkheads on a ship.
coffer-dam n. Alternative form of cofferdam.
COFFERDAMScofferdams n. Plural of cofferdam.
coffer-dams n. Plural of coffer-dam.
COFFERDAM n. a narrow vacant space between two bulkheads of a ship.
DIFFRACTOMETERdiffractometer n. A device that uses diffraction (especially X-ray diffraction) to investigate the structure of matter.
DIFFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETERSdiffractometers n. Plural of diffractometer.
DIFFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETRICdiffractometric adj. Relating to diffractometry; measured using a diffractometer.
DIFFRACTOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by diffractometer, an instrument for determining structure of crystal through light diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETRYdiffractometry n. The elucidation of the structures of crystalline materials by the use of X-ray diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by diffractometer.
FALCIFORMfalciform adj. Sickle-shaped.
FALCIFORM adj. shaped like a sickle.
FALCONIFORMfalconiform n. (Ornithology) Any falcon of the order Falconiformes.
FALCONIFORM adj. shaped like a falcon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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