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There are 20 words containing A, C, E, M, 2T and V

ANTICOMPETITIVEanticompetitive adj. (Economics, business) Acting to hinder or obstruct competition.
anti-competitive adj. Alternative form of anticompetitive.
ANTICOMPETITIVE adj. tending to reduce or discourage competition.
CENTUMVIRATEcentumvirate n. A group of one hundred people, especially (politics) a council of about 100 men who share power or rule…
CENTUMVIRATE n. a body of a hundred men.
CENTUMVIRATEScentumvirates n. Plural of centumvirate.
CENTUMVIRATE n. a body of a hundred men.
COMITATIVEcomitative adj. (Grammar) Of, or relating to the grammatical case that is used in some languages to indicate accompaniment.
comitative n. The comitative case, or a word in this case.
COMITATIVE adj. of a grammatical case, expressing accompaniment.
COMITATIVEScomitatives n. Plural of comitative.
COMITATIVE n. a comitative case.
COMMUTATIVEcommutative adj. (Mathematics, of a binary operation) Such that the order in which the operands are taken does not affect…
commutative adj. (Algebra, of an algebraic structure) Having a commutative operation.
commutative adj. (Mathematics, of a diagram of morphisms) Such that any two sequences of morphisms with the same initial…
COMMUTATIVELYcommutatively adv. In a commutative manner.
COMMUTATIVE adv. of, relating to, or showing commutation.
COMMUTATIVITIEScommutativities n. Plural of commutativity.
COMMUTATIVITY n. the property of being commutative.
COMPUTATIVEcomputative adj. Of or relating to computation, computational.
computative adj. Calculating, shrewdly or selfishly reckoning.
COMPUTATIVE adj. of or relating to computation.
CONTAMINATIVEcontaminative adj. That contaminates.
CONTAMINATIVE adj. tending to contaminate.
CONTEMPLATIVEcontemplative adj. Inclined to contemplate; introspective and thoughtful; meditative.
contemplative adj. Pertaining to a religious contemplative, or a contemplative religious orders, especially the Roman Catholic varieties.
contemplative adj. Relating to, or having the power of, contemplation.
CONTEMPLATIVELYcontemplatively adv. In a contemplative manner.
CONTEMPLATIVE adv. related to contemplation.
CONTEMPLATIVEScontemplatives n. Plural of contemplative.
CONTEMPLATIVE n. a person who practices contemplation.
DECONTAMINATIVEDECONTAMINATIVE adj. related to decontamination.
DOMESTICATIVEDOMESTICATIVE adj. relating to domestication.
MULTIPLICATIVEmultiplicative adj. Of or pertaining to multiplication.
multiplicative adj. (Mathematics, of a function, etc.) Distributive over multiplication.
multiplicative adj. (Algebra) Having multiplication as an operator.
NONCOMMUTATIVEnoncommutative adj. (Of an algebraic structure) Not having commutativity of all elements under its operation.
NONCOMMUTATIVE adj. not commutative.
POSTVASECTOMYpostvasectomy adj. After a vasectomy.
POSTVASECTOMY adj. following a vasectomy.
REVICTIMIZATIONrevictimization n. Victimization again or anew.
VOLTAMETRICvoltametric adj. Alternative form of voltammetric.
VOLTAMETRIC adj. relating to a voltameter, an instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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