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There are 17 words containing A, C, E, M, 2R and W

CREAMWAREcreamware n. (Ceramics) Cream-coloured earthenware produced chiefly from 1750 to 1820 by the potters of Staffordshire, England.
CREAMWARE n. a type of earthenware with a cream-coloured glaze.
CAMERAWORKcamerawork n. Skill or technique involving the use of a camera, especially a video camera.
CAMERAWORK n. skilful use of a camera.
CANKERWORMcankerworm n. Either of two caterpillars, the larvae of geometrid moths, that are destructive to fruit, buds and leaves.
cankerworm n. (Figurative) A corrupting or destructive force.
CANKERWORM n. a larva that feeds on and destroys plants, esp. fruit.
CREAMWAREScreamwares n. Plural of creamware.
CREAMWARE n. a type of earthenware with a cream-coloured glaze.
BENCHWARMERbenchwarmer n. Alternative spelling of bench-warmer.
bench-warmer n. (Sports, colloquial) A player who rarely or never gets to play in the games or matches, and is most…
bench␣warmer n. Alternative spelling of bench-warmer.
CAMERAWORKScameraworks n. Plural of camerawork.
CAMERAWORK n. skilful use of a camera.
CANKERWORMScankerworms n. Plural of cankerworm.
CANKERWORM n. a larva that feeds on and destroys plants, esp. fruit.
CHAIRWARMERchairwarmer n. (Derogatory) One who occupies a post or employment but does no useful work.
CHAIRWARMER n. an office holder, committee member, or employee who is inactive and ineffective.
SCHWARMEREISCHWARMEREI n. (German) excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
WRECKMASTERwreckmaster n. Someone appointed to take charge of any goods and debris arriving on to the shore after a shipwreck.
wreckmaster n. (Rail transport) Someone in charge of a wreck train.
WRECKMASTER n. a person taking charge of a disabled ship or train and its cargo or freight.
BENCHWARMERSbenchwarmers n. Plural of benchwarmer.
bench-warmers n. Plural of bench-warmer.
bench␣warmers n. Plural of bench warmer (alternative spelling of bench-warmers).
CHAIRWARMERSchairwarmers n. Plural of chairwarmer.
CHAIRWARMER n. an office holder, committee member, or employee who is inactive and ineffective.
SCHWARMEREISSCHWARMEREI n. (German) excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
WRECKMASTERSwreckmasters n. Plural of wreckmaster.
WRECKMASTER n. a person taking charge of a disabled ship or train and its cargo or freight.
AIRCRAFTWOMENaircraftwomen n. Plural of aircraftwoman.
AIRCRAFTWOMAN n. a member of the lowest (female) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTSWOMAN.
SCHWARMERISCHSCHWARMERISCH adj. (German) showing schwarmerei, excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
AIRCRAFTSWOMENaircraftswomen n. Plural of aircraftswoman.
AIRCRAFTSWOMAN n. a member of the lowest (female) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTWOMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 307 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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