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There are 15 words containing A, C, E, M, 2O and W

ANCHORWOMENanchorwomen n. Plural of anchorwoman.
ANCHORWOMAN n. a female anchorman.
BACKWOODSMENbackwoodsmen n. Plural of backwoodsman.
BACKWOODSMAN n. a provincial, a country bumpkin.
COCHAIRWOMENcochairwomen n. Plural of cochairwoman.
COCHAIRWOMAN n. a female cochairman.
COMMITTEEWOMANcommitteewoman n. A woman who is a member of a committee.
committeewoman n. (US) A woman who is a local leader of a political party.
COMMITTEEWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of a committee.
COMMONWEALcommonweal n. (Obsolete or archaic) The common good; public wellbeing or prosperity.
commonweal n. The body politic; republic.
common␣weal n. Alternative form of commonweal.
COMMONWEALScommonweals n. Plural of commonweal.
COMMONWEAL n. (archaic) the general welfare.
COMMONWEALTHcommonwealth n. (Obsolete) The well-being of a community.
commonwealth n. The entirety of a (secular) society, a polity, a state.
commonwealth n. Republic. Often capitalized, as Commonwealth.
COMMONWEALTHScommonwealths n. Plural of commonwealth.
COMMONWEALTH n. the public or whole body of the people.
CONGRESSWOMANcongresswoman n. A female member of congress.
congresswoman n. (US) A female member of the House of Representatives.
CONGRESSWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of a congress.
DOOMWATCHEDDOOMWATCH v. to keep an eye on the state of the environment.
DOOMWATCHERdoomwatcher n. A person with a pessimistic outlook on the future.
DOOMWATCHER n. one who engages in doomwatching.
DOOMWATCHERSdoomwatchers n. Plural of doomwatcher.
DOOMWATCHER n. one who engages in doomwatching.
DOOMWATCHESDOOMWATCH v. to keep an eye on the state of the environment.
POLICEWOMANpolicewoman n. A female police officer.
POLICEWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of a police force.
WOODCRAFTSMENwoodcraftsmen n. Plural of woodcraftsman.
WOODCRAFTSMAN n. a craftsman who works with wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 350 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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