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There are 6 words containing A, C, E, H, M and 2U

CHALUMEAUchalumeau n. (Music) A woodwind instrument which was the predecessor of the clarinet.
chalumeau n. The lowest range of the clarinet, reaching up to written B♭ (B flat) above middle C.
CHALUMEAU n. (French) an early rustic reed instrument that developed into the clarinet.
CHALUMEAUSchalumeaus n. Plural of chalumeau.
CHALUMEAU n. (French) an early rustic reed instrument that developed into the clarinet.
CHALUMEAUXchalumeaux n. Plural of chalumeau.
CHALUMEAU n. (French) an early rustic reed instrument that developed into the clarinet.
HIBERNACULUMhibernaculum n. (Zoology) The place where a hibernating animal shelters for the winter.
hibernaculum n. (Botany) A bud, case, or protective covering that a plant uses to survive the challenging environmental…
HIBERNACULUM n. (Latin) a shelter occupied during the winter by a dormant animal (as an insect or reptile).
SCEUOPHYLACIUMsceuophylacium n. The repository of the sacred vessels in the Greek church.
SCEUOPHYLACIUM n. a sacristy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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