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There are 20 words containing A, C, E, F and 3T

STATECRAFTstatecraft n. Synonym of statesmanship (“the ability to guide a state well”).
STATECRAFT n. the art of conducting state affairs.
STATECRAFTSstatecrafts n. Plural of statecraft.
STATECRAFT n. the art of conducting state affairs.
TESTIFICATEtestificate n. (Historical, Scotland) A certificate of good character that was required to allow travel between parishes…
TESTIFICATE n. in Scots law, a solemn written assertion.
FANTASTICATEfantasticate v. (Transitive) To make fantastical.
fantasticate v. (Intransitive) To behave fantastically.
FANTASTICATE v. to fantasize over something.
TESTIFICATEStestificates n. Plural of testificate.
TESTIFICATE n. in Scots law, a solemn written assertion.
TESTIFICATORtestificator n. (Obsolete) A testifier.
TESTIFICATOR n. one who testifies.
FANTASTICATEDfantasticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fantasticate.
FANTASTICATE v. to fantasize over something.
FANTASTICATESfantasticates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fantasticate.
FANTASTICATE v. to fantasize over something.
FEATHERSTITCHfeatherstitch n. A kind of embroidery stitch made of open, looped stitches worked alternately to the right and left of a central rib.
featherstitch v. To make stitches of this kind.
FEATHERSTITCH n. an embroidery stitch consisting of a line of diagonal blanket stitches worked alternately to the left and right.
TESTIFICATIONtestification n. The act of testifying, or giving testimony or evidence.
TESTIFICATION n. the act of testifying or of bearing witness.
TESTIFICATORStestificators n. Plural of testificator.
TESTIFICATOR n. one who testifies.
METAFICTIONISTmetafictionist n. A writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONIST n. a writer of metafiction.
PRETTIFICATIONprettification n. (Colloquial) The act of making someone or something pretty.
PRETTIFICATION n. the act of prettifying.
TESTIFICATIONStestifications n. Plural of testification.
TESTIFICATION n. the act of testifying or of bearing witness.
FEATHERSTITCHEDfeatherstitched v. Simple past tense and past participle of featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCH v. to stitch with featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCHESfeatherstitches n. Plural of featherstitch.
featherstitches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCH n. an embroidery stitch consisting of a line of diagonal blanket stitches worked alternately to the left and right.
METAFICTIONISTSmetafictionists n. Plural of metafictionist.
METAFICTIONIST n. a writer of metafiction.
PRETTIFICATIONSprettifications n. Plural of prettification.
PRETTIFICATION n. the act of prettifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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