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There are 13 words containing A, C, 2E, M, S and X

CASEMIXEScasemixes n. Plural of casemix.
case␣mixes n. Plural of case mix.
CASEMIX n. a database system for storing information about medical patients.
EXCISEMANexciseman n. An officer employed to collect excise duty (excise tax), and to enforce excise laws.
EXCISEMAN n. an officer charged with collecting excise duty.
CHEMOTAXESchemotaxes n. Plural of chemotaxis.
CHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
EXACTMENTSexactments n. Plural of exactment.
EXACTMENT n. exactness.
EXCLAIMERSexclaimers n. Plural of exclaimer.
EXCLAIMER n. one who exclaims.
CHEMOTAXISESCHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
EXCLAMATIVESEXCLAMATIVE n. a word or sentence that denotes an exclamation.
HEXADECIMALShexadecimals n. Plural of hexadecimal.
HEXADECIMAL n. a number system with a base of 16.
EXCEPTIONALISMexceptionalism n. The state of being special, exceptional or unique.
exceptionalism n. The belief that something (A nation, species etc.) is exceptional, superior, or does not conform to…
exceptionalism n. A philosophy of prevention or of intervention.
EXCOMMUNICATESexcommunicates n. Plural of excommunicate.
excommunicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of excommunicate.
EXCOMMUNICATE v. to formally exclude someone from a group or community, esp. from a religious community.
CHEMOTAXONOMIESchemotaxonomies n. Plural of chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMY n. the classification of plants and animals based on similarities and differences in biochemical composition.
COUNTEREXAMPLEScounterexamples n. Plural of counterexample.
COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory.
EXCEPTIONALISMSexceptionalisms n. Plural of exceptionalism.
EXCEPTIONALISM n. the condition of being different from the norm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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