EVERYPLACE | • everyplace adv. (US, informal) everywhere. • EVERYPLACE adv. everywhere. |
EYEPATCHES | • eyepatches n. Plural of eyepatch. • eye␣patches n. Plural of eye patch. • EYEPATCH n. a patch worn to protect an injured eye. |
DEPRECATIVELY | • deprecatively adv. In an deprecating manner; in a manner that deprecates. • DEPRECATIVE adv. serving to deprecate. |
HYPERREACTIVE | • hyperreactive adj. Showing a much greater than normal response to a stimulus. • HYPERREACTIVE adj. excessively reactive. |
MYELENCEPHALA | • myelencephala n. Plural of myelencephalon. • MYELENCEPHALON n. the posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata. |
ELECTROTHERAPY | • electrotherapy n. The use of electrical energy as a medical treatment. • ELECTROTHERAPY n. the therapeutic use of electricity. |
EPEXEGETICALLY | • epexegetically adv. In an epexegetic manner. • EPEXEGETICAL adv. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC. |
EPIGENETICALLY | • epigenetically adv. By means of, or in terms of, epigenesis or epigenetics. • EPIGENETIC adv. resulting from external features, not genetic. |
HYPERACUTENESS | • hyperacuteness n. The quality of being hyperacute. • HYPERACUTE n. excessively acute. |
HYPERAESTHESIC | • HYPERAESTHESIC adj. excessively sensitive, also HYPERAESTHETIC. |
HYPERAESTHETIC | • hyperaesthetic adj. Alternative form of hyperesthetic. • hyperæsthetic adj. Obsolete form of hyperesthetic. • HYPERAESTHETIC adj. excessively sensitive, also HYPERAESTHESIC. |
HYPERCATALEXES | • HYPERCATALEXIS n. the state of being hypercatalectic. |
HYPEREXCITABLE | • hyperexcitable adj. Unusually or excessively excitable. • HYPEREXCITABLE adj. excessively excitable. |
MYELENCEPHALIC | • myelencephalic adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the myelencephalon; cerebrospinal. • MYELENCEPHALIC adj. of or like the myelencephalon. |
MYELENCEPHALON | • myelencephalon n. (Neuroanatomy) The portion of the brain composed of the medulla oblongata. • MYELENCEPHALON n. the posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata. |
PRECEDENTIALLY | • precedentially adv. (Law) In a manner having the force of precedent. • PRECEDENTIAL adv. of the nature of a precedent. |
ARCHAEOPTERYXES | • archaeopteryxes n. Plural of archaeopteryx. • ARCHAEOPTERYX n. a Jurassic fossil bird of the Archaeopteryx genus, with a long bony tail, sharp-toothed jaws, and wings bearing three clawed digits. |
CYCLOPENTADIENE | • cyclopentadiene n. (Organic chemistry) an unsaturated alicyclic hydrocarbon, C5H6; it forms complexes with some transition… • CYCLOPENTADIENE n. a colourless liquid unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbon obtained in the cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons and the distillation of coal tar, used in the manufacture of plastics and insecticides. |
EPEIROGENICALLY | • epeirogenically adv. By means of epeirogenesis. • EPEIROGENIC adv. relating to epeirogeny, the geological formation of continents, oceans, etc. |
MYELENCEPHALONS | • MYELENCEPHALON n. the posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata. |