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There are 20 words containing A, C, D, K, R, S and W

BACKSWORDbacksword n. A sword with one sharp edge.
backsword n. (UK, dated) A stick with a basket handle, used in rustic amusements.
backsword n. (UK, dated) The game in which the stick is used.
BACKWARDSbackwards adj. Synonym of backward; see usage notes there.
backwards adv. Synonym of backward; see usage notes there.
BACKWARDS adv. in a reverse direction, also BACKWARD.
BACKWORDSbackwords n. Plural of backword.
BACKWORD n. a retort.
DRAWBACKSdrawbacks n. Plural of drawback.
DRAWBACK n. a hinderance.
BACKSWORDSbackswords n. Plural of backsword.
BACKSWORD n. an archaic, edged, unpointed sword used in prizefighting.
CHOWKIDARSchowkidars n. Plural of chowkidar.
CHOWKIDAR n. (Urdu) a watchman, also CHOKIDAR.
CRACKDOWNScrackdowns n. Plural of crackdown.
CRACKDOWN n. the taking of a firm action.
CRADLEWALKScradle␣walks n. Plural of cradle walk.
CRADLEWALK n. an avenue arched over with trees.
WISECRACKEDwisecracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of wisecrack.
WISECRACK v. to make a wisecrack.
BACKSWORDMANbackswordman n. (Historical) One who fights with a backsword or singlestick.
BACKSWORDMAN n. one who uses a backsword, a sword with one sharp edge, also BACKSWORDSMAN.
BACKSWORDMENbackswordmen n. Plural of backswordman.
BACKSWORDMAN n. one who uses a backsword, a sword with one sharp edge, also BACKSWORDSMAN.
BACKWARDNESSbackwardness n. The state of being backward.
backwardness n. Reluctance.
BACKWARDNESS n. the state of being backward.
BACKWOODSIERBACKWOODSY adj. uncouth, rustic.
ACKNOWLEDGERSacknowledgers n. Plural of acknowledger.
ACKNOWLEDGER n. one who acknowledges.
BACKSWORDSMANBACKSWORDSMAN n. one who uses a backsword, a sword with one sharp edge, also BACKSWORDMAN.
BACKSWORDSMENBACKSWORDSMAN n. one who uses a backsword, a sword with one sharp edge, also BACKSWORDMAN.
BLADDERWRACKSbladderwracks n. Plural of bladderwrack.
bladder␣wracks n. Plural of bladder wrack.
BLADDERWRACK n. a common brown seaweed with air-bladders.
DOCKWALLOPERSDOCKWALLOPER n. an informal US name for docker.
BACKWARDATIONSbackwardations n. Plural of backwardation.
BACKWARDATION n. on the Stock Exchange, the postponement of the delivery of stock; a charge associated with this.
BACKWARDNESSESbackwardnesses n. Plural of backwardness.
BACKWARDNESS n. the state of being backward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 282 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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