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There are 13 words containing A, C, D, G, L, M and U

ADMINICULATINGadminiculating v. Present participle of adminiculate.
ADMINICULATE v. to support by corroboratory evidence.
AMYGDALACEOUSamygdalaceous adj. (Botany) Akin to, or derived from, the almond.
AMYGDALACEOUS adj. related to the almond, also AMYGDALATE.
BLACKGUARDISMblackguardism n. Blackguardly behaviour or language.
BLACKGUARDISM n. being a blackguard.
BLACKGUARDISMSblackguardisms n. Plural of blackguardism.
BLACKGUARDISM n. being a blackguard.
CAMOUFLAGEDcamouflaged adj. Wearing, in, or treated with, camouflage; disguised.
camouflaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of camouflage.
CAMOUFLAGE v. to conceal or disguise by camouflage.
DEMIURGICALdemiurgical adj. Synonym of demiurgic.
DEMIURGICAL adj. relating to a demiurge, also DEMIURGEOUS, DEMIURGIC.
DEMIURGICALLYdemiurgically adv. In the manner of a demiurge.
DEMIURGICAL adv. relating to a demiurge, also DEMIURGEOUS, DEMIURGIC.
DRAMATURGICALdramaturgical adj. Of or pertaining to dramaturgy.
DRAMATURGICAL adj. related to dramaturgy, also DRAMATURGIC.
DRAMATURGICALLYdramaturgically adv. In terms of dramaturgy.
DRAMATURGICAL adv. related to dramaturgy, also DRAMATURGIC.
JUDGMATICALjudgmatical adj. Judicious.
JUDGMATICAL adj. given to judgment, also JUDGMATIC.
JUDGMATICALLYjudgmatically adv. (Colloquial, chiefly US) In a judgmatical way; like a judge, judiciously, with good judgment.
JUDGMATICAL adv. given to judgment, also JUDGMATIC.
MISCATALOGUEDmiscatalogued v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscatalogue.
UNDOGMATICALLYundogmatically adv. In an undogmatic fashion.
UNDOGMATIC adv. not dogmatic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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