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There are 16 words containing A, C, D, 2F, L and S

CANDLESNUFFERcandlesnuffer n. Alternative form of candle snuffer.
candle␣snuffer n. A device made to extinguish (snuff out) a candle.
CANDLESNUFFER n. an implement for snuffing candles that consists of a small hollow cone attached to a handle.
CANDLESNUFFERScandlesnuffers n. Plural of candlesnuffer.
candle␣snuffers n. Plural of candle snuffer.
CANDLESNUFFER n. an implement for snuffing candles that consists of a small hollow cone attached to a handle.
DISAFFECTEDLYdisaffectedly adv. In a disaffected manner.
DISAFFECTED adv. DISAFFECT, to take away the affection of; to make discontented or unfriendly.
FIELDCRAFTSFIELDCRAFT n. the knowledge and skill needed to live in the wild.
OFFICIALDOMSofficialdoms n. Plural of officialdom.
OFFICIALDOM n. officials as a class.
SCAFFOLDscaffold n. A structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on while working on a building.
scaffold n. An elevated platform on which a criminal is executed.
scaffold n. An elevated platform on which dead bodies are ritually disposed of, as by some Native American tribes.
SCAFFOLDAGEscaffoldage n. The amount of scaffolding needed, or supplied for a specific installation.
SCAFFOLDAGE n. the gallery of a theatre, also SCAFFOLAGE.
SCAFFOLDAGESSCAFFOLDAGE n. the gallery of a theatre, also SCAFFOLAGE.
SCAFFOLDEDscaffolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of scaffold.
scaffolded adj. (Of a building or similar structure) supplied with erected scaffolding.
SCAFFOLD v. to provide with a temporary platform for workmen.
SCAFFOLDERscaffolder n. A person who erects and dismantles scaffolding.
scaffolder n. (Programming) A software tool that creates the basic framework or template for a new project.
scaffolder n. A spectator in the gallery of a theatre.
SCAFFOLDERSscaffolders n. Plural of scaffolder.
SCAFFOLDER n. one who erects scaffolding.
SCAFFOLDINGscaffolding n. A temporary modular system of tubes (or formerly wood) forming a framework used to support people and…
scaffolding n. (Programming) Source code etc. that is incomplete and serves as a basis for further development.
scaffolding n. (Figurative) Any framework or support.
SCAFFOLDINGSscaffoldings n. Plural of scaffolding.
SCAFFOLDING n. a framework of platforms for painters.
SCAFFOLDSscaffolds n. Plural of scaffold.
scaffolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scaffold.
SCAFFOLD v. to provide with a temporary platform for workmen.
SCLAFFEDsclaffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sclaff.
SCLAFF v. to strike the ground with a club before hitting the ball.
SPIFFLICATEDspifflicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of spifflicate.
SPIFFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFLICATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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