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There are 19 words containing A, 2C, H, K, N and S

CHIACKINGSCHIACKING n. the act of teasing, deriding.
HUNCHBACKShunchbacks n. Plural of hunchback.
HUNCHBACK n. a person whose spine is convexly curved to an abnormal degree.
NAMECHECKSnamechecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of namecheck.
name-checks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of name-check.
NAMECHECK v. to mention by name.
NOTCHBACKSnotchbacks n. Plural of notchback.
NOTCHBACK n. a car whose roof does not slope continuously from the roof to the bumper, but juts out from the bottom of the rear window.
RAINCHECKSrainchecks n. Plural of raincheck.
rain␣checks n. Plural of rain check.
RAINCHECK n. a ticket for future use given to spectators when rain stops a game.
BACKBENCHESbackbenches n. Plural of backbench.
back-benches n. Plural of back-bench.
back␣benches n. Plural of back bench.
BLOCKCHAINSblockchains n. Plural of blockchain.
block␣chains n. Plural of block chain.
BLOCKCHAIN n. a system in which records of transactions using bitcoins are stored and may be accessed by linked computers.
CHECKLATONSCHECKLATON n. (Spenser) a kind of gilt leather, also SCHECKLATON, SHECKLATON.
CHUCKWAGONSchuckwagons n. Plural of chuckwagon.
chuck␣wagons n. Plural of chuck wagon.
SCHECKLATONSCHECKLATON n. (Spenser) a kind of gilt leather, also CHECKLATON, SHECKLATON.
BACKBENCHERSbackbenchers n. Plural of backbencher.
back-benchers n. Plural of back-bencher.
BACKBENCHER n. a Member of Parliament who sits on the backbenches.
BACKCHANNELSbackchannels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backchannel.
backchannels n. Plural of backchannel.
back-channels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of back-channel.
SCHECKLATONSSCHECKLATON n. (Spenser) a kind of gilt leather, also CHECKLATON, SHECKLATON.
BACKSTITCHINGbackstitching v. Present participle of backstitch.
BACKSTITCH v. to stitch in this way.
SPATCHCOCKINGspatchcocking n. The practice of making spatchcocked fowl, poultry, birds, in food preparation.
spatchcocking v. Present participle of spatchcock.
SPATCHCOCK v. to split open (a fowl, eel etc.) for grilling, also SPITCHCOCK.
SWITCHBACKINGswitchbacking v. Present participle of switchback.
SWITCHBACK v. to follow a zigzag course esp. for ascent or descent.
BACKSCRATCHINGbackscratching v. Present participle of backscratch.
BACKSCRATCHING n. the act of scratching another's back.
HYDROCRACKINGShydrocrackings n. Plural of hydrocracking.
HYDROCRACKING n. the process of cracking hydrocarbons in the presence of hydrogen.
BACKSCRATCHINGSBACKSCRATCHING n. the act of scratching another's back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 512 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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