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There are 12 words containing A, 2C, G, K, L and N

BLACKJACKINGblackjacking v. Present participle of blackjack.
BLACKJACK v. to hit with a blackjack.
CACKLINGcackling v. Present participle of cackle.
cackling n. A sound that cackles.
CACKLE v. to make the sound of a hen.
CLACKINGclacking v. Present participle of clack.
clacking n. A sound that clacks.
CLACK v. to make a noise of a hard flat thing flapping.
CLICKJACKINGclickjacking n. (Computing, web development) A malicious technique whereby part of a webpage is covered by transparent…
CLICKJACKING n. the practice of using a disguised hyperlink to direct an internet user to a website he or she does not wish to visit.
CLICKJACKINGSCLICKJACKING n. the practice of using a disguised hyperlink to direct an internet user to a website he or she does not wish to visit.
COCKTAILINGcocktailing n. Work as a cocktail waitress.
COCKTAIL v. to dock a horse's tail.
CRACKLINGcrackling n. (Cooking, often in the plural, US) Fat that, after roasting a joint, hardens and crispens.
crackling n. (Cooking, in the singular in Britain) The crispy rind of roast pork.
crackling n. (Cooking, countable) A crispy, fried skin or rind, especially of pork.
CRACKLINGLYcracklingly adv. With a crackling sound.
CRACKLINGScracklings n. Plural of crackling.
CRACKLING n. the rind of roast pork.
NECKLACINGnecklacing v. Present participle of necklace.
necklacing n. (South Africa) A method of informal execution using a burning necklace (petrol filled tyre); in which…
NECKLACING n. (South African) the punishment of having a petrol-soaked tyre placed round the neck or shoulders and set alight, traditionally used by black people on those thought to be government sympathizers.
NECKLACINGSnecklacings n. Plural of necklacing.
NECKLACING n. (South African) the punishment of having a petrol-soaked tyre placed round the neck or shoulders and set alight, traditionally used by black people on those thought to be government sympathizers.
PLACEKICKINGplacekicking v. Present participle of placekick.
placekicking n. The act or skill of taking placekicks.
PLACEKICK v. to make a placekick.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 214 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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