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There are 15 words containing A, 2C, F, H, R and T

CHARACTERFULcharacterful adj. Full of character.
CHARACTERFUL adj. full of character.
CHONDRIFICATIONchondrification n. (Physiology) The formation of, or conversion into, cartilage; a cartilaginous formation resulting from this process.
CHONDRIFICATION n. the process of chondrifying, converting into cartilage.
FLYCATCHERflycatcher n. Any of many kinds of birds, of the families Muscicapidae (in Europe and Asia) and Tyrannidae (in the…
fly-catcher n. Alternative form of flycatcher.
FLYCATCHER n. one of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing.
FLYCATCHERSflycatchers n. Plural of flycatcher.
FLYCATCHER n. one of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing.
FRENCHIFICATIONFrenchification n. The act or process of making French or more French-like, especially in informal contexts.
Frenchification n. (Slang) Something that has undergone frenchification, something that has frenchified and made more French-like.
Frenchification n. Synonym of Gallicization, translation into French or a French translation.
LEECHCRAFTleechcraft n. (Historical) The art or practice of healing or medicine.
leechcraft n. The skill or expertise of a physician, medical knowledge; medical attendance.
LEECHCRAFT n. (archaic) the art of healing.
LEECHCRAFTSleechcrafts n. Plural of leechcraft.
LEECHCRAFT n. (archaic) the art of healing.
SCHOOLCRAFTschoolcraft n. The art or practice of education.
Schoolcraft prop.n. A surname.
SCHOOLCRAFT n. (archaic) learning.
SCHOOLCRAFTSSchoolcrafts prop.n. Plural of Schoolcraft.
SCHOOLCRAFT n. (archaic) learning.
SPEECHCRAFTspeechcraft n. The art, skill or science of speech or language.
speechcraft n. Grammar. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
SPEECHCRAFT n. the art of making speeches.
SPEECHCRAFTSspeechcrafts n. Plural of speechcraft.
SPEECHCRAFT n. the art of making speeches.
STITCHCRAFTstitchcraft n. The craft of stitching.
STITCHCRAFT n. the art of sewing.
WITCHCRAFTwitchcraft n. The practice of witches; magic, sorcery, or the use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events.
witchcraft n. Something, such as an advanced technology, that seems almost magical.
WITCHCRAFT n. the use of sorcery or magic.
WITCHCRAFTSwitchcrafts n. Plural of witchcraft.
WITCHCRAFT n. the use of sorcery or magic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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