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There are 15 words containing A, 2C, E, K, R and W

JACKSCREWjackscrew n. A jack (mechanical lifting device) which is operated by turning a leadscrew.
jackscrew n. A leadscrew; a screw used to translate rotational into linear motion.
jack␣screw n. Alternative form of jackscrew.
WISECRACKwisecrack n. A witty or sarcastic comment or quip.
wisecrack v. To make a sarcastic, flippant, or sardonic comment.
WISECRACK n. a pungent comment.
JACKSCREWSjackscrews n. Plural of jackscrew.
jack␣screws n. Plural of jack screw.
JACKSCREW n. a jack in which a screw is used for lifting, or exerting pressure.
WISECRACKSwisecracks n. Plural of wisecrack.
wisecracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wisecrack.
WISECRACK v. to make a wisecrack.
CRACKLEWAREcrackleware n. Articles made with a crackle glaze.
CRACKLEWARE n. pottery with a crackled glaze.
WEATHERCOCKweathercock n. A weather vane, sometimes in the form of a cockerel.
weathercock n. (Figuratively) One who veers with every change of current opinion; a fickle, inconstant person.
weathercock n. (Chiefly North America) A kind of wind pump whose top behaves like a weather vane, moving with the wind…
WISECRACKEDwisecracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of wisecrack.
WISECRACK v. to make a wisecrack.
WISECRACKERwisecracker n. A person who makes wisecrack remarks; a smart aleck.
WISECRACKER n. one who wisecracks.
CRACKLEWAREScracklewares n. Plural of crackleware.
CRACKLEWARE n. pottery with a crackled glaze.
WEATHERCOCKSweathercocks n. Plural of weathercock.
weather␣cocks n. Plural of weather cock.
WEATHERCOCK n. a weather vane often in the figure of a cock mounted so as to turn freely with the wind and show its direction.
WISECRACKERSwisecrackers n. Plural of wisecracker.
WISECRACKER n. one who wisecracks.
WISECRACKINGwisecracking adj. Making many wisecracks.
wisecracking v. Present participle of wisecrack.
wise-cracking adj. Alternative form of wisecracking.
WEATHERCOCKEDweathercocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of weathercock.
WEATHERCOCK v. to serve as a weathercock for.
WEATHERCOCKINGweathercocking v. Present participle of weathercock.
WEATHERCOCK v. to serve as a weathercock for.
CONTRACLOCKWISEcontraclockwise adv. Counterclockwise.
contraclockwise adj. Counterclockwise.
CONTRACLOCKWISE adv. anticlockwise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 210 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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