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There are 12 words containing A, 2C, D, 2L and M

ACADEMICALLYacademically adv. In an academic style or way; from an academic perspective.
ACADEMICAL adv. related to learning, also ACADEMIC.
ACIDIMETRICALLYacidimetrically adv. (Chemistry) By means of, or in terms of, acidimetry.
ACIDIMETRICAL adv. relating to acidimetry, the measurement of the strength of acids.
CIRCUMVALLATEDcircumvallated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumvallate.
CIRCUMVALLATE v. to surround with a rampart or fortification.
COMEDICALLYcomedically adv. In a comedic manner; using comedy.
COMEDIC adv. of or relating to comedy.
COMPLICATEDLYcomplicatedly adv. In a complicated manner.
DEMOCRATICALLYdemocratically adv. In a democratic way.
DEMOCRATICAL adv. related to democracy, also DEMOCRATIC.
MALOCCLUDEDmaloccluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of malocclude.
MALOCCLUDED adj. exhibiting malocclusion.
MISCALCULATEDmiscalculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscalculate.
MISCALCULATE v. to calculate wrongly.
MOLLUSCICIDALmolluscicidal adj. Acting as a molluscicide; fatal to molluscs.
MOLLUSCICIDAL adj. relating to molluscicide, the killing of molluscs.
RADIOCHEMICALLYradiochemically adv. By means of radiochemistry.
radiochemically adv. In terms of radiochemistry.
RADIOCHEMICAL adv. relating to radiochemistry.
SEMICYLINDRICALsemicylindrical adj. Having the shape of a semicylinder.
semicylindrical adj. (Botany) Of a leaf: elongated, flat on one side and round on the other.
SEMICYLINDRICAL adj. having the shape of a longitudinal half of a cylinder.
UNACADEMICALLYunacademically adv. In an unacademic way.
UNACADEMIC adv. not academic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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